I'm Back For Good

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"Dude, how the f*ck are you awake?" Beca stuttered. She was in shock that Stacie was back so suddenly.

"I was tired, now I'm not. So I'm awake." Stacie giggled.

"But, there were no signs what so ever that you were suppose to awaken." Beca pointed out.

"But I fought. I wanted to speak to you. I heard everything you've said, I wanted to say something back. I love you." Stacie kissed Beca's cheek, grinning.

"Don't leave me again." Beca hugged Stacie and cried onto her shoulder.

"I'm sorry." Stacie hugged her back tighter.

"Don't be sorry. I'm sorry for getting you into this mess." Beca pulled away and said.

"But I could've woken up sooner. I could've been there to support you. Instead I was in this stupid coma." Stacie grumped.

"Beca Mitchell. Back to your room, now. We are going to discharge you very soon." A doctor burst through the door. Beca crawled out of the bed and accidentally leaned on Stacie's leg.

"Sorry about that." Beca flinched.

"About what?" Stacie asked.

"I just leaned on your leg, did that not hurt." Beca scrunched her face up. She had forgotten that Stacie had lost all feeling in her legs.

"Come on Miss Mitchell." The doctor opened the door for Beca.

"It's just Beca." She pushed him of of her way and went back to her room.

"Why does she have a room?" Stacie asked, she was back to her normal self.

"She was trying to wake you up and almost killed you. Then she fainted." Chloe smiled. Stacie looked down to see the two girls holding hands.

"Beca mentioned you two." Stacie winked. "You finally manned up Aubrey, hey?"

In Beca's room...

The short DJ sat down and let out a sigh. She couldn't get her head around the fact that Stacie was awake. Beca groaned. Although she was happy Stacie was awake, she knew what she had coming for her. Bringing Stacie to appointments, driving Stacie around. Doing everything that Stacie wouldn't be able to do.

"I do believe that your girlfriend Stacie is awake. Beca, I'm going to discharge you now. You may leave in ten minutes." The doctor confirmed after hours of paperwork.

Beca left as soon as she had changed.

"Hey Beca." Chloe waved and smiled.

"Sup." Beca tried to get into Stacie's room, but Chloe stopped her.

"Beca. I'm sorry. For everything I've done. I know you're happy now, and I am too. I will go back to my usually ways and stop harassing you." Chloe grinned and hugged Beca. Beca felt awkward hugging Chloe after what had happened.

"Okay. I'm going to go. Feed Stacie. Hospital food." Beca displayed the food to Chloe. Beca knocked on Stacie's door.

"Come in." Stacie said. Once Beca saw Stacie she was reminded of how she got in this position. The crash flashed before her eyes. Beca became nervous and dropped the food on the floor. Almost instantly after she dropped the food, Beca gulped and backed out of the room.

"Beca?" Stacie shouted out. She wailed her name over and over again. Doctors and nurses crowded around to calm Stacie. Beca paced up and down the abnormally large toilet cubicle. The thought that she could've killed Stacie pondered through her mind. The more she though the more she wanted to go back in time and change everything. Beca wanted to stop the car. Stop it before it crashed into the truck. Her eyes filled up with tears. Almost losing the single most important person in her life made her go crazy. The guilt was risen up to her brain. It drove her insane.

"Beca?" An almost silent whimper travelled through the door to Beca's ears.

"God, is that you. Take me now." Beca offered herself to the heavens before Chloe banged on the door.

"It's Chloe b*tch. Now open up." Chloe continued knocking on the door.

"All right. Keep your pants on dude." Beca opened the door and behind it stood a faintly smiling red head. "What?"

"Beca. Stacie is in there, crying her heart and soul out. She doesn't want to be looked after by anyone. She's in there wailing your name. Man up and look after her. It's the least she deserves." Chloe propped her hand onto Beca's stiff shoulder.

"I can't Chloe. Every time I walk in there, the image of her in that coma re-appears in my mind. The car being tossed and tumbling. The multitudes of glass sticking out of her. Everything. I could've killed her Chloe. And I can't deal with that. And now I'm gonna have to bring her to appointments, drive her everywhere, bathe. Chloe, I'm not sure I can do that." Beca pushed her glasses back up her nose.

"That's what we're all here for. To help you and Stacie. You guys aren't doing this alone. That's what Aubrey, Jesse, Luke and I are here for. You won't have to do that alone." Chloe gave Beca a reassuring look.

"But she's relying on me Chloe. What if I give up on her. What if it all gets to much. I can't hurt her again Chloe. Never again." Beca sucked her tears back up.

"We won't let you." Chloe grinned deviously.

"Thanks. But promise you'll help." Beca asked, pulling the red head in for a secure hug.

"Promise. Now go in there and talk to Stacie." Chloe pointed out to Stacie's room and commanded Beca to help. The short brunette once again knocked on Stacie's door. She had heard no response so she just walked in. The first thing she was greeted by was a Nutella sandwich spread across the floor. Stacie was paralysed. Stuck in one position. She wasn't actually paralysed, just didn't want to move. Her face was pale. She looked at the ceiling and didn't look anywhere else.

"Stacie. Are you okay?" Beca gulped down the memory. "I'm sorry. For walking out."

"Beca. I'm stuck like this forever. I'll never be able to walk myself to places." Stacie says with no emotion whatsoever.

"Don't think like that. No baby, you'll walk again. You're a Conrad." Beca walked over the mess and stood at the end of Stacie's bed. Stacie slowly moved her head and eye contact onto Beca.
"But Beca. It's true. The doctor tole me so. I don't have a large chance of walking again. Do I? Didn't care to tell me that. Did you?" Stacie's tone became aggressive.

"I didn't want to talk about things like that Stacie. I wanted to act like everything was normal." Beca took one step back as Stacie wracked up the rage cage.
"Beca. It's not normal though, is it? You're going to have to commit Beca. Go through this roller coaster with me Beca. Never stop." Stacie had fury running through her blood and in her eyes.

"Stacie. Calm down. Please. Find Stacie. This isn't you Stacie." Beca widened her eyes and tried to calm Stacie. It wasn't working. Beca couldn't do anything. Stacie had lost her mind, lost herself.

The only thing Beca could think of at the time was to kiss her. Remind her of the good days. Kick that ADHD right up the ass. Beca leaned over Stacie and smiled slightly to calm her down. She didn't wait a second longer before diving in and kissing her girlfriend. Once kissing passionately for a couple of seconds, Beca climbed onto the bed and straddled Stacie. Beca wrapped her arms around Stacie's neck and the taller brunette leaned up to grab her girlfriends waist.

Beca was the first to break apart her initiated kiss. She stared into her girlfriends blue, green eyes. She was taken to another world. Beca knew that she had gotten her Stacie back.

"Stacie." Beca started.

"I'm back Beca. I'm back for good. I love you." Stacie smiled and kissed Beca's cheek as she snuggled next to her.

If you think this is going to fast, tell me. I feel like it is slightly. Gimme some storyline suggestions!!! Always helpful! Hope you enjoyed XD

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