Chapter One: The Getaway💍

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Ace's POV

I walk out of my closet with my suitcase ready for my maid to handle, I sit it on my bed and smile when I see my maid standing there

"Hey Marissa...lookin good today" I say with a smirk as I put the suitcase on my bed, Marissa smiles and nods before going and packing my suitcase with the outfits I prepped already, I awkwardly nod back before pulling my phone out to call one of my best friends Angela

"Hey Ace....girl Marcus been pissin me off all damn day with his baby mama and her trifling ass" Angela yells causing me to sigh

"Girl I ain't call for all that bullshit...I'm calling to check in on when we supposed to be headin to the airport" I say and Angela sighs knowing she not about talk my head off about her cheatin husband

"Girl I don't know..we takin the train and I gotta get the kids ready before they head out...damn it hold on I gotta go but you get ready and I hope we can find you someone on this trip" She says and I sigh and roll my eyes

"Whatever... get them kids ready and tell Marcus I said fuck you" I say before hanging up, Angela been wantin me to get with someone but I've stayed single knowing I'm not emotionally ready for anyone

Anyone but one woman

"Your suitcase is ready sexy" Marissa says and I smile before walking over to her and kissing her passionately causing Marissa to wrap her arms around my neck

"Thank you Marissa....take the week off and when I get back maybe we can have some fun like always" I say with a smirk

"Your welcome....have fun on your trip Ms.Harrison...I'll be waiting for you to come back" Marissa says with a smile before cupping my face and kissing me sensually and walking off

I laugh a little before adjusting myself and my coat before walking out of the house and to my driver Thomas who is waiting, my guards take my suitcase and I thank them before getting in and driving off to the private jet I got for myself since well...I ain't got who I wanna take, she with her trifling ass husband

Plus I don't like airports

We arrive to the private jet and my publicist goes over some stuff with me before taking off on her own vacation that I gave her till I'm back, I settle down in my seat as the flight attendant comes over to me with my favorite champagne in hand, I smile and wink at her causing her to blush as she goes back to her quarters

The plane takes off and I take a deep breath as I try to calm myself for this trip, I always go with my friends on this couples trip even though it's meant for married couples but Patricia says it's a good way for me to understand married life and how it really is

Whatever the hell that means

I play games on my phone till I get bored of that and decide to go through my photos randomly, I smile as I see pictures with my parents, Terry and I as well as some of all of us from the last couples trip till I stop on a picture of Shelia and I

I sigh heavily as I look at the picture with sadness filling my heart, she deserves so much better...I wanna be that for her so badly but she's married and no matter what I could do..she is in love with that man

I close my phone as I feel the emotions bubbling up, I look over and see the flight attendant looking at me with a sensual look and I smile a bit before looking away

I don't wanna use her to get over this feeling in my chest

"Everything ok over here Ms.Harrison" I hear a female voice say causing me to look over and see the flight attendant from earlier, I sigh as I look over and see her eyes on my lips before looking me in my eyes

"I'm ok..thank you" I say causing the women to smile and put her hand on my shoulder and I immediately look from her to my shoulder

"You sure nothing is wrong" She says in a seductive tone and looks at me with lust and i growl a little under my breath causing her to smirk, I sigh and say fuck in in my head before getting up and looking at the now smaller woman

"I have a little problem I want you to deal with....Is that ok Ms.....Carrington" I ask in a low tone as I look at the women with so much lust, she bites her lip and I smirk

"I'll help with that right away Ms. Harrison" She says in a breath voice and I smile before leading her to the back of the plane and into the bed I have back there

"Oh fuuuck" The flight attendant screams as she cums hard on me, I groan as I cum into the condom and hear the intercom go off on the plane

"Ms.Harrison we are prepared for landing" The pilot says and I tiredly reach over and press the intercom button

"Great...let's land safely" I say before letting go of the button and looking to the flight attendant who starts kissing my neck and I smile before pulling her into a kiss and pulling out

I take the condom off and clean the flight attendant causing her to cum again, I smile and get dressed as the flight attendant does the same

I take the condom off and clean the flight attendant causing her to cum again, I smile and get dressed as the flight attendant does the same

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Ace's outfit ^^^^

"Hey...this can't be a continuous thing or turn into something ....I'm not emotionally available" I say and the flight attendant waves her hand

"Baby I know...I just wanted some dick since my husband ain't bringin it at home" The flight attendant says and I raise and eyebrow and smile

"Well I hope you find some better dick" I say as as I go and grab my bag and spray some cologne on me, I grab my coat and put it on before picking up a after and handing it to the flight attendant

"Oh I will and if you wanna be that then call me" She says before pecking my lips and walking off to the flight attendant quarters with a little bit of struggle, I smirk and walk off the plane as I adjust my belt

My security surrounds me and I escort me to my limo and we head off to the cabin and I feel the anxiety fill me completely as I anticipate seeing Shelia with that asshole that my friends tolerate

I look up and decide to distract myself with the mountains passing by, hopefully things will be good this time

A/n ok Ik what your thinking, why the fuck am I writing this story about a movie half of y'all have probably never watched...well......y'all should but has not the point, i felt like writing a movie on both movies so why not


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