Chapter Three: Where are you 💍

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Ace's POV

I look around frantically as I look for Shelia's car, this is like finding a needle in a haystack but it's worth it if she's safe

Once I get my hands on that bastard he's fuckin dead, how you tell ya wife to drive while you ride on a plane with another women that she's friends with

Actually fuck that because that ain't a real friend if she let the husband do that in front of her with no fight, I already don't like this girl

"Ms.Harrison, we have been driving for hours now, do you think we've passed her" Thomas asks and I sighs heavily

"Let's head to the sheriffs station, she's gotta be there, the snow is gettin bad and we not makin it back up the mountain tonight" I say as I look out the window, Thomas sighs before turning around a heading to the sheriffs station, I look at my phone to see texts from everyone including Mike's bitch ass

I turn my phone off as I look around and see we pulled up to the sheriffs office, I see a familiar car causing me to smile

"Pull in, she's here...I knew it" I say as Thomas pulls up, he parks and I immediately jump out and head to the door and burst in to see Sheila and the sheriff talking

"Oh thank god" I say as Sheila smiles widely at me and puts her coffee cup down, she walks over and I embrace her with a content sigh coming from both of us

" are you feeling" I say causing Shelia to laugh a bit at me

"Yes I'm ok..I can handle myself Ace...but you really came to find me" She asks in shock and I look at her weirdly

"Of course I did....I'd hate myself is something happened to you and I could have came out here to find and help you" I say before looking to the sheriff

"Hey man....thanks for taking her in" I say as I go and shake his hand

"Hey no problem but you guys won't make it up that mountain until the snow clears tomorrow...are you two married and here for the couples retreat" The Sheriff says and Sheila looks at me as we both laugh awkwardly

"Oh no..well yes we're here for the couples retreat but we're not husband is up there with our friends and her date is waiting for her there too" Shelia says and my heart cracks a bit but I laugh it off

"Yea uh..we're not together and I don't have a date..someone is tryin to set me up" I say as i look from the sheriff to Shelia with a teasing smile that she returns

"She's a great girl Ace, give her a chance" She says and I immediately shake my head no

"Hell no...that girl I can tell ain't it for me...I mean what friend let's their friend drive alone and ride with the husband on a plane" I say causing Sheila to sigh and I put my hands on her arms

"I'm sorry...just mad that he did that....just protective of you that's all" I say causing Shelia to put her hands on my waist

"I know you are Ace and I love that about you....just let me handle it ok...I'm here to work on my marriage and see my friends and that's what ima do" Sheila says, I nod as I look into her eyes and I see her glance down at my lips before going back to my eyes and mine do the same with hers

God I hate that she's married or else I'd kiss her right now

"Uh...sorry to interrupt but you both can be in a cell for the night then I can escort you both up the mountain in the morning" The sheriff says causing both of us to look at him

"Uh yea that would be great...can I have some coffee please for my driver and I" I ask and the Sheriff nod, i thank him and take time to look down at his badge to see his name


"Thank you Troy" I say before going over to the coffee machine and making my driver and i's coffee, I smile to Troy who I see is looking at Shelia a certain way, I frown a bit before taking the coffee to Thomas who decided to sleep in the limo instead, I grab a spare pillow from the trunk and blankets for Sheila and I

I walk back in to see Shelia and Troy talking and laughing a bit causing me to feel a warm feeling in my stomach and not the good kind

"Well I am tired so I'll be heading to my cell now....thank you Troy...really thank you" Shelia says and Troy nods before looking at me awkwardly, I nod to him before thanking him and  following Shelia to the cell

"I can sleep on the floor, you take the bed" I say and Shelia goes to protest but I lay on the ground with the pillow I got out of the limo for me and handing her the pillow and blanket

" it from the car" I say and Shelia hesitantly takes the pillow and blanket and lays down on the bed, I make myself comfortable on the ground

"You really don't have to be on the ground Ace, I can take the floor"Shelia says causing me to look at her

"Nah you good...I'll be good here just try and get some been driving for hours and we got a drive back up" I say softly and Shelia sighs in defeat

"Goodnight Ace" She says in an annoyed tone but I can hear her smile in it and I do the same and shut my eyes

"Goodnight Sheila" I say with a smile, I start dozing off when I feel a hand touch my shoulder but pretend to not feel it as I try to hide my smile

She's safe with me, that's all I need

A/n awwww they cute or whatever, kinda weird writing adults rn but I mean I am one(btw they got kids in this and I'm a very young adult so not really lol) but yea things is brewin


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