( No. 7 )

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Thursday | October 19th, 2023

The plan is almost to the end of the testing phase, only now do I realize that I'm too far gone in this rabbit's hold. Nothing feels real anymore, and my memories are blurring yet again. 

I can't remember the last time I've seen my family or my friends. Are they even alive? Do they remember me? How long have I been trapped here in this establishment?  When will the constant static go away?

The only thing I can see is a new employee, they must've just started here since the last position here had quit due to...unfortunate circumstances. Why were they letting new employees work here? Hadn't they learned already? Obviously not. After all the misery and death in this place, they really love to leave the topic behind and find new victims to feed this place's threatening aura. 

"Are you taking pity on those worthless people?" The voice rings through my head sounding like a scratched record player. 'No sir. Just thinking what I feel about it.' nothing was said after a minute or so besides the constant and agonizing static. My vision goes black then flickers to a dark room with nothing inside, the floor looking like black ink and the consistency of water. A glitching silhouette, that I've come to know, appears a foot away from me and sits motionless (besides the immense glitching and phasing). "Have you done what I have asked?" The nod of my head is the only response given. "Good. Now remember what needs to be done in order for this to work. I don't need another...incapable puppet."  It takes a step aside for me to view a pile of mangled corpses, all with the same masks and outfits consisting with black robes and hoods. "Understood?" I couldn't take my eyes off the pile and imagining what would come of me if I failed. "Understood?" I snap my attention to the figure as my body jolts. 

It was right in front of me, inches away from my face, glitching and phasing profusely. "U-Understood." My body was shaking from the startle and trying to recover from it. "Good, now be a dear and find out more about this ______. Without blowing the cover of my plans." I nod while it covers my eyes with its stitched hand making the world turn back to normal and the static to subdue to its numbing stage. It's glitched laughter the only thing I hear before silence. 

I didn't need to look to know I'm in the room above FazerBlast. The screen was on showing the yellowish green bunny head icon with its grin and bright hypnotic purple eyes. I knew it was watching me through that very screen towards my figure on the bed. I get up and smooth out my uniform to go back out into the main area of the establishment, hopefully I won't run into anyone especially those damned animatronics

I mustn't fail doing what is needed to be done and I won't back down from a fight if it comes to that aspect. I won't become another rotting mangled corpse like those in that godforbidden pile. I head towards one of the restrooms and go to wash my hands, looking at my reflection I see that I had big eye bags and an exhausted look on my face. I splash my face with some water and grab a paper towel, looking back to me in my reflection was the white rabbit and the brown patch rabbit standing behind me. Blinking they disappear into thin air as I throw away the used paper towel and exit out the restroom, being blinded by the neon lights, I bump into a person by accident.

"Oh shoot, sorry!" 

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