( No. 2 )

41 2 0

Tuesday | October 17th, 2023

You wake up with your phone alarm blaring for you to wake up. Cutting off the alarm you make your way to your bathroom, grabbing your clothes, and taking a shower to look and smell fresh. After putting on your more professional clothing, you go to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat before heading towards the door. One final check to make sure you have everything, you did, and now you're heading towards your vehicle.

Arriving at the huge building you can see many parking spots were filled with cars already. 'Hopefully this will be a good job to get with business like that.' You head in and get in line with the other customers, who apparently knew what they were doing. After about 30 minutes later it was your turn to go up to the canteen like room, a staff bot met you in the room which surprised you slightly.

"Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. How may I be of service to you today?" The bot said once you were fully up to the counter. "I'm here for an interview and I'm not sure where I'm supposed to be." Once you replied the bot immediately makes a little beeping noise. "Message has been sent to one of the security staff. Please wait."

You step off to the side away from the line, as to not block the other customers wanting to get into the PizzaPlex. After 10 minutes a brunette in a 80's themed outfit rounds the corner and looks around, before their hazel eyes lock onto your figure. They then proceed to walk up to you with a calming aura. "Apologies for being late, hope I wasn't too long." They stop a few steps away from you, enough personal space for you and them. "No worries, I understand it's...a big building." You give a slight smile to them.

 They smile back, the tension they had releasing

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They smile back, the tension they had releasing. "Glad you aren't too upset for waiting..." they check a watch on their wrist. "We should really get you to the manager now. Come on." They start walking away expecting you to follow them, of which you do.

The walk to the manager's office was pretty long, approximately a 5 minute walk, but soon you two make it to a small office area. The brunette knocks on the door and waits for a reply, which was really faint, and finally opens the door. "Hey boss, I've got a new interest. __ had already applied online." They say, holding the door for you respectfully. "Thank you E, could you check on Montgomery on your way out of here?" A more masculine voice asks. "Of course, wishing you luck ____." They close the door and walk away to Rockstar Row.

"You may take a seat, that is if you want too." Turning your head you meet blue eyes. "Thank you." You sit in one of the comfy chairs in front of the desk. "It says on the email your name is _____, am I correct?" You nod "Yes sir."

"Do you have any record of drug or alcohol use in the past or recently?" You shake your head. "The only things I've used are prescribed medicine like Tylenol and Ibuprofen for headaches and such." He nods in understanding. He then looks at his computer screen and scrolls. "It seems your good to go. You've answered all the questions honestly, yes?" You snicker a bit, "Why would I lie for a job interview? To look better?" He chuckled and leans back in his chair. "You would be surprised what I've had to deal with, running my father's establishment."

You pause for a minute and furrow your eyebrows. "Wait your the owner of the PizzaPlex?" He raises an eyebrow. "That is me, unfortunately." You nod in response, not really knowing what to say next. You did notice that he didn't make a lot of eye contact and a fluent accent. Though something that bugged you was the white bear mask that hung on the wall, and the constant buzzing in your ear. You didn't want to be rude and point it out, it was probably the computer running making the noise.

"Alright so what is your schedule like? When days would be good for you to work and what days wouldn't be good for you?" Due to him suddenly asking the question, kinda made you jump a bit. "Oh, I can do everyday of the week. I don't have anything else to do during the week." Nodding, he types it down on the computer. "Would you be able to work tomorrow and start your work schedule? Your pay check on Friday will be small but this will help you with getting to know the mapping and such." You agree with the idea to have some money already to pay for more groceries. After some time you ask what the manager's name was, and you weren't sure why his name sounded familiar to you or even where you've heard it before.

But one thing is for certain. 'Michael Afton' sounds very familiar.

After finishing the interview, he wanted you to find the brunette or E as he called them. He said that they should be somewhere around the Plex, but he said finding a staff bot is easy to help in the search.

He was right when he said finding a staff bot was easy, they were literally everywhere. Stepping up to one you hesitated for a moment, though the bot notices you instantly. "Hello, how may I assist you?" It states monotone. "Could you help me locate the person E?" It makes a beeping sound before it gestures with its hand. "Follow me please." It whirrs on it wheels with you behind it, good thing it wasn't too fast for you.

It finally stops in front of a door that had a...bear symbol with a star?

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