( No. 9 )

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Friday | October 20th, 2023

Running with the wind in my face, pushing my hair into and out of my eyes, while it tries to tell me something I wouldn't be able to understand. The air I had passing into my lungs was refreshing and cool to the touch, almost like a waterfall to the rocky mountains below it. Giggles left my mouth as I ran away from my mother, trying not to subdue to the 'Tickle Monster' and its monstrous plans. "I'm gonna get you!" My mother continues chasing me with her arms and fingers outstretched, threatening to grab me, but I was quicker than her due to my small figure. "You'll never get me heehee!"  I hide behind an acorn tree and try holding my breath as I hear my mother near closer, after holding my breath for a minute I start to wonder what was taking her so long to find me. 

Peaking from behind the tree, she's there sitting at the picnic table on her phone. 'Shes always on that phone' I think as I go to the table to get a sip to drink, being really exhausted after running for a while, and so finding myself across from my mother sitting and resting. About five minutes later she looks up from her phone to meet my gaze, she looks absolutely exhausted and the tired look in her face shows it. She always looks like that, tired and stressed out, though I understand it's hard for her taking care of me and working so many hours every day. "Alright let's get you back to your father, don't want him to be mad." She says standing up, making sure she grabs her keys, and starting down the concrete pathway to the car. 'But I never get to spend enough time with you.'

Grudgingly waking up with the light beaming in softly saying 'Good Morning' to my once sleeping form, it seems today might be one of those days where nothing exciting really happens. Hopping out of bed and getting breakfast ready was the first things I did when getting up, before making my way to the restroom to brush my teeth and get dressed. When putting on my uniform and taking a look in the mirror, I see a figure behind me resembling my mother having the blank stare I've grown to know. She fades away from my view with her face growing ever more tired looking at only my face through the mirror, turning away from the mirror I go ahead and grab what I needed and head to the PizzaPlex. 

All day working, I couldn't seem to get the image of my mother out my head, it was starting to wear down my mood and shift me to autopilot. I was half expecting to see E today, but I haven't, which only brought my mood lower. 'What is up with today and bringing my mood down every minute?' My thoughts were interrupted when a tall blob of purple comes into view and leans against the counter. "What's a little hopper like you doing all alone?" Finally blinking and clearing my head I look at what cleared to be Bonnie looking down to you, waiting for an answer. "Ah I'm just in my thoughts really, nothing too fancy if I'm being honest." You reply plopping your head onto the palm of your hand, holding eye contact with the huge animatronic. "How exhilarating. Sounds like the best thing to do on a day like this." He sarcastically replies back with a smirk on his face. 'How in the world? How did they make him so lifelike?'  

"Little hopper?" Bonnie exclaims while waving his hand in front of your face, he leans down to get onto face level to you. He was hoping that you weren't terrified of him since it's common for his audience to be frightened. This became a frequent thought in his head when he's doing a personal meet and greet, scaring the children to never come back here. He gives up in trying to bring you out of your thoughts, so he decides to go back to Bonnie bowl and make sure everything and everyone is doing alright. 

After snapping out of your thoughts, you realize Bonnie wasn't with you anymore. Sighing you look at the time signaling it's your break finally, you shift onto your other foot and put a sign reading 'ON BREAK' on top of the counter. You decided to go check out the other attractions stationed around your little restaurant, hoping to bump into E or Bonnie, one look around you can tell you'll get lost trying to get back to the restaurant, but you shrug it off. Looking at the places when you walk past them, most had robots as the servers, and some had human servers as well, what a weird system. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Girls!  We welcome you to the Mega PizzaPlex don't forget to grab a delicious piece of pizza and a refreshing drink at the many restaurants located around the stage. Now put your hands together for the one, the only, Freddy Fazbear!" The announcer announces loudly over the intercom. Stopping in your tracks you look towards the stage curious as to what is about to happen.

The area grew darker, neon-colored lights of blues, pinks, and yellows made their presence known through the smog that was being produced. The children's shouts and screams rung through your ears as you watch the whole display come to life like never before in your life. You were hypnotized and couldn't look away as dark figures came into view, 'Wow' was all you could think when viewing the display. 

Suddenly a force gets shoved into your knees, making you fall to the floor roughly. 

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