( No. 8 )

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Thursday | October 19th, 2023

"Oh shoot, sorry!" The voice seems to be startled by the unwanted contact. I blink before realizing who I bumped into, no other than E, my co-worker and acquaintance. "It's fine, I wasn't watching where I was going." I brush off the apology and try to cut the conversation short so I can go do what my job calls for.  "...If you say so. Haven't seen you around much." They say in a more upset tone, I didn't have time for this now. "Sorry but I need to go check to see if everything is working properly." I start speed walking past them, not bothering to take another glance back, focusing on going where I needed to be.

E sits there, in thought and still looking, where Vanessa stood not even a minute ago. Their face contorts into one of confusion and hurt, they just wanted to talk to their friend again even if it was a short conversation consisting of a 'Hello' or a 'How have you been?' would have sufficed them. Why was it they lost their relationship and most of their friends to now becoming distant to the one they had? They wrap their hands around their waist and squeeze gently, mimicking a hug, trying to hold in the tears stinging their eyes. 'I just want my friends back. Why do people keep leaving me?' 

Wheezed and strangled breaths could be heard before they walk away from their spot and start to wonder, not knowing where their feet were taking them. They're starting to lightly shake and having a hard time breathing, before they stop where they were to see a dark room with glowing star and moon patterns on the walls and ceiling. Pillows and blankets were neatly bunched together along with merchandise plushies, from within the room a figure emerges and walks towards E. Tears were falling down their cheeks and onto the padded floor, almost like a broken melody, in patterns with their jagged breathing. The comforting smell of lavender and a rainy day was present along with a pair of arms wrapping around E, in an attempt to calm them down. This lasted for about 10 minutes before anyone spoke, the music playing on the intercom was relaxing and went with the theme of the Nightcare area. 

"Are you feeling better little lunar?" He asks genuinely concerned about what could have happened to lead to this. A nod is all that is received for an answer, he shakes his head lightly "I need a spoken answer, you know this." He slightly scolds with amusement underlining his voice, once he doesn't get an answer, he huffs out unamusingly. Unwrapping his arms from their body he tries to detach them from his waist, not really being able to unwrap them from him. His face softens at the seemingly stupid action, but he knew that it meant more than what people may think is childish. "Come on, let's get you somewhere comfortable." He picks them up gently and brings both of them to a corner furthest from the door into a pile of pillows, plushies, and blankets. He sits himself down, bringing them to rest on his chest, while he grabs a blanket and covering E. Their eyes swollen and red, they look up to Moon's face and smile to the best of their ability, Moon was always there for them in times like these. Smiling back and leaning his head onto the wall, the silence overtook them as the scenery became comforting and nonchalant to them. 

' If only I knew back then...then maybe I could've changed how it ended. Oh how I wished I could... '

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