Moving to Paris

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Authors note: This took place a week before Adrien gained his miraculous. 

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen. I'm your host Lincoln and today we are none other then joined by Miss Y/n!" The camera was now focused on Y/n who waved towards the camera with a small smile. "It's great to be here today Lincoln" she said with a hint of excitement in her voice.

Adrien sighed dreamily as he kept his eyes on Y/n and turned up the TV's volume slightly .

"now I know it's not your first redo on the show so is it okay if I get straight to the point?" He waited for her answer and she gave him a small nod. "you've been modeling since the age of three I mean you practically grew up in the spotlight, and now years later you're now involved with acting. Woah! Is there anything you can't do?" He joked with the last part and she chuckled.

"Now there have multiple rumors that you will be moving to Paris is that true?" Lincoln asked.

Adrien looked shocked as he found out his celebrity crush might be moving to Paris "what?" He said focusing even more on the interview than before.

She seemed to be thinking the question over in her head which made Adrien even more anxious as he waited for her answer. "...yes it is true" she finally said and stars appeared in Adriens eyes.

"Hm good to know—" Adrien began to rewinded the video; He kept listening over Y/n confirmation of her moving to Paris because it almost felt like a dream to him. "Wow...she's actually moving to Paris!" He cried out in joy as he hugged his pillow in excitement and let the interview play out.



"Adrien we have a guest" Nathalie said and Adrien walked over to his door, he opened it but was shocked when he saw his celebrity crush standing in front of him.

"Hello you must be Adrien Agreste, my name is Y/n L/n"  she said stumbling over her words.

"Now there are multiple—" Adrien face turned red as the interview kept playing; He rushed over to the remote and turned it off, He faced Y/n and let out a nervous laugh.

Y/n raised an eyebrow as she observed the boy blushing face "Adrien your father has agreed to explain the situation" nathalie said with no emotion behind her voice.

Adrien just nodded not wanting to embarrass himself even more.

"Please follow me you two" Nathalie said as she walked off and Adrien followed her.  Y/n looked at the two figures confused but walked right behind them not wanting to be left alone or lost.

They met in the dining room where Adriens father was there sitting waiting for them to arrive. "Good Afternoon" Y/n said once inside the room, Mr. Agreste hummed and turned to Adrien. "Afternoon father" he said.

"Afternoon. Now I'm certain Adrien that you are confused about why Miss Y/n is with us here today" Adrien nodded to his father's question. "well it's simple, she will be modeling beside you in our new collaborations with the L/n's and Agreste. I have already informed her parents that she will be staying in Paris for the time being." 

Adrien eyes light up as he imagined working with Y/n, He glanced at her to see her having a stoic expression on her face; She must have felt his eyes on her because she glanced back at him.

He blushed a bit before turning his attention back to his father "Of course the collaboration isn't the main reason why she will be staying in Paris for two years but it's one of the reasons. Now that all that is cleared up I must go now." Adrien looked at his father as he left the room.

Nathalie went to the door and opened it for the two teens " I will show Y/n to her—" Adrien coughed and the two looked at him worried. "Sorry something got caught in my throat..Nathalie I can show her to her room" Adrien smiled looking at Y/n who looked at him confused. Nathalie didn't respond but nodded and walked away maybe to find Mr Agreste who knows.

"I'll show you to your room" Adrien spoke in English instead of French and Y/n was a bit shocked by his sudden language change; He let out a laugh as he saw her shocked expression. "I noticed when you first introduced yourself you seemed a bit hesitant with your words and stumbled over a bit" Y/n was a bit embarrassed he noticed but didn't want to think about it since it would just embarrass her even more.  

The two began to walk up the stairs "Isn't this the same way to your room?" She asked and he nodded " the guest bedroom is on the right" he said turning a right corner and sure enough there was a door right there.

He opened the door and the inside of the room had a king sized bed and a huge see through wall and a Tv in front of the windows, there was also a bathroom door and a closet door inside the room.

"Thank you" she said and he nodded "I just wanted to ask but where is your luggage?" He asked not seeing the girl's luggage around anywhere. "Oh! Ms Nathalie took them from me the second I made it and said she put them inside the closet"she said walking inside the room and gesturing for him to follow her.

She walked to the closet door and sure enough her luggage was right there, some clothes were either hanged or were put into the cabinets. She also had a few shoes and those even seemed to be arranged around a spot in the closet.

"Wow is this the outfit you wore to the showcasing of the--" Adrien trailed off and a blush appeared on his face "Are you a fan?" Y/n asked in curiosity and Adrien laughed nervously. "Nooo—yeah.." she let out a laugh " it's fine" she said.

There was an awkward silence between them as the two didn't know what to talk about anymore. "is it true you like Anime?" Y/n asked and the boy quickly nodded " I love anime, It's a little escape I have from the real world" he replied truthfully. " do you have any recommendations?" She asked and he nodded "my first anime was—"

The two talked for quite a bit and got to know each other more. Since they were gonna work together very soon Y/n thought it would be nice to know her future partner and his likes and dislikes.

Adrien on the other hand knew a lot about Y/n but at the same time felt like he didn't. He always watched her from the tv but the two never met in person until now so it felt different it was nice to finally talk to her and figure her out for himself. 

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