Mr. Pigeon pt3

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"Lets get a move on" Chat Noir said holding out a hand for me, I took his hand and he lifted me up. 

We shortly ran downstairs but Chat Noir's ring started beeping, "we've got to hurry.." he said as he caught up to me. I opened the door and we rushed out to see people by the main door looking outside with worry. 

"Ladybug, Chat Noir!" the mayor ran up to us, "I'm in great danger of losing money if people leave Paris." I rolled my eyes and heard Chat Noir's ring beeping, I glanced out of corner of my eye and saw him jumping up and down.

 "Get rid of those pigeon" the mayor said. 

"Before we do, I have an urgent need" Chat Noir said, the mayor raised an eyebrow "an urgent need..oh of course, go to the royal suite" Chat Noir ran to the elevator, "theres paper in there. Perhaps you'd rather a kitty litter." 

" need for kitty litter but could I have some camembert?" Mayor looked back at me confused and I shrugged. 

"Is it alright with you if I go upstairs?" the mayor nodded "whatever helps you get rid of those pigeons, ladybug." I walked to the elevator and pressed the number two. 

Seconds later the elevator doors open and I stepped out, and immediately I saw the pigeons flying in little groups.  

The elevator door rang and I turned to see Chat Noir, he walked up to me and started looking at the pigeons. "They're all flying in the same direction, we've better follow them" Chat Noir said "are you fully recharged?" I asked him as we walked to the elevator. He handed me his hand and I checked out his ring, "Seems you're fully recharged." 


We began following the pigeons until they reached a building, I noticed the park keepers in cages. "So this is where Mr. Pigeons been keeping them..." I said as Chat landed next to me "the Grand Palais," he started sniffling and I turned to him in panic.

"AC-" I covered his nose and he started sniffling "thanks, my pigeon radar is on high alert." "Did he leave the park keepers unattended..?" I questioned "lets set the cat among the pigeons," he took a few steps but I grabbed his arm stopping him in his tracks, "this is too easy" I let go of his hand and glanced up to see a pigeon looking down at us. 

"Follow me" I ran off to the back of the Grand Palais, "why are we back here?" Chat asked me as he finally caught up to me. "I just wanna confirm something really quick." I said as I jumped up and landed on the roof of the Palais. Chat landed beside me and noticed Mr. Pigeon " was too easy" he whispered as we approached a nearby-window to Mr. Pigeon. 

"Okay here's the play, you open the window, I grab him and you snag the bird call." I grabbed my yoyo "Early bird gets the worm" Chat said as he opened the window, I swung my yoyo towards Mr. Pigeon but missed him because of Chat sudden sneeze. 

"Bless you" I said before we jumped down, we ran to Mr. Pigeon but he jumped down and his pigeons caught him. We jumped down and Mr. Pigeon took out his bird call and started cooing at us, his pigeon surrounded his hands to form two big balls. 

"I have a bone to peck with you"

"I'd be honored." Chat said before Mr. Pigeon swung his arm towards him knocking Chat back to the cages, I looked back to see him charging towards me, I did a quick back-flip towards the others completely missing his attack. 

"You okay, Chat?" I held out a hand for him, he took it and I lifted him up. "Thanks, Ladybug" he smiled at me. 

"Get us out of here!" A keeper said in panic. 

"Lucky charm!"

A coin dropped in my hand, "a coin..?" Chat asked in confusion, I looked around and some things turned red with black dots. I grabbed my yoyo "You can't buy yourself out of here." Mr. Pigeon swung the pigeon towards me, I avoided the pigeons and swung my yoyo towards Mr. Pigeon. 

The yoyo grabbed his leg and I immediately began to run towards the celling. 

(I have no idea how to describe that part of the story)

I jumped down to the ground and went towards one of the vending machines, I put the coin inside and ordered myself a bag of chips. I grabbed the chips "Chat!" I threw the chips in the air and Chat threw his staff towards the bag. 

The chip bag was destroyed and all the snacks went on Mr. Pigeon, the pigeons dove for the snacks on him, I pulled on my yoyo and Mr. Pigeon screamed as he was begin lifted up in the air, his bird call fell to the floor.  

Chat grabbed the bird call but started sneezing, and the bird call got out of his hand. I quickly let go of my yoyo freeing Mr. Pigeon and ran towards the bird call. The bird call landed on the floor and all three of us reached for it but Chat Noir lifted his hand up and crushed it. 


"Amazing work, chat!" 

Mr. Pigeon cooed and fainted. 

The little moth came out, "Where do you think you're going little guy?" I threw my yo-to towards the moth, it captured the moth and little butterflies surrounded everything destroyed during our battle. 

I let the moth out and it flew away. 

 "Pound it!" we did a fist bump.


I was at the school waiting for Adrien. "Y/n.."  I looked back to see Adrien holding a lavender rose, he handed me the rose. "o-oh, thank you..hey are you feeling any better now?" he smiled at me, "sorry if I worried you during our hang out. Um, is Natalie here?" I nodded "she's inside already, I was just waiting for you." 

We walked inside the school but saw a blonde girl leaving while crying about her father. 

"Your classmates seem..full of life?" 

Natalie saw us and waved us over to her, besides her was a girl with blue hair, she was looking everywhere but at us to hide her red face. 

"This is the design you two are gonna be wearing, it was designed by miss Marinette." Natalie handed us both a hat. 

"Congratulations Marinette." Adrien smiled other and she started shaking, a girl patted her shoulder and Marinette smiled at her. She finally looked at us just as Adrien was getting ready to try it on.  He didn't even get to try it on before he started sneezed, "bless you" I said as I put my hat on. 

"Thanks.." he noticed the two's surprised expressions "ha..I'm allergic to feathers" he sniffled and I patted his back in reassurance as we headed out. 


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