Chapter 4

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It took another day to get everything ready to cleanse the school again. Mr. Shue hated all of this but didn't want his students terrified. He'd promised that the choir room and the club would be a safe space. Until he cleaned the room properly, it wouldn't be.

Thursday morning, everyone came back.

"We asked florists for the right plants." He told Marcy.

She sniffed the air, still able to smell the different smoke. "Okay."

"Did we do it right?" Brittany hoped.

Marcy nodded. "You did it right."

A cheer went up.

"Can we talk about this?" Jake wanted to know. "What are all these monsters?"

"Monsters reside all over the world." Marcy felt safe for the moment. "Some are shadow demons and some are flesh monsters. All mean you harm."

"Even Krampus and he's as good as a monster gets." Quinn held onto Sam.

"How can a monster be good?" Brittany didn't get it.

"Krampus only comes to you if you're bad." Mercedes explained.

"So as long as you're good, you won't see it?" Marley just turned fourteen and was scary.

Mercedes nodded. "But if you're naughty?" She shuddered.

Puck didn't believe that. "I've been bad my whole life. I ain't seen it."

"You're not bad, 'Zilla." Marcy shook her head. "You're misguided at worst. Krampus knows the difference."

A part of him liked the fact that she called him misguided at worst. It made him fell like he wasn't such a screwup. But if she was right,... "So that thing is out there?"

"Waiting for us to really mess up."

Mr. Shue sighed lightly. "Guys. You are safe here. I promise."

The kids looked at him in varying degreases of trust.

He hoped those things weren't real so he could keep his promise.


"BT!" Artie yelled.

"What?!" Marcy closed her locker.

He waved a card in his hand. "Why you ain't tell me you was having a party?!"

"Do you have an invitation?"

He looked at his outstretched hand. "Yeah?"

"Then I told you."

He gave her a flat look.

"You're going to be late to class." She sang as she went to the stairwell.

She so bad! He grinned and rubbed his hands together.


Sugar looked up when Marcy thrust a white envelope in her view. "What's this?"

"Open it." Marcy also gave one to Kitty and one to Ryder.

Sugar opened it. "It's an invite to a party!"

Kitty hurried to open hers. "It's for this Saturday!"

Ryder opened his. "What's the Roaring '20s?"

Mary gave him a funny look. "Ask your parents. You have to RSVP soon and keep the invites to get in and stay in. Dress the part or you'll be denied. Bye."

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