Chapter 5

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Marcy yawned as she was coming from class. Thankfully it was a Friday but it was already after lunch but way before the end of the day.

She went to stand in the window nearby so she could soak up some sun. While she was standing and ignoring people who waved to her, she suddenly became wet. She was sure she hadn't urinated because there was no warning. Yet her diaper was full.

It struck her that she was pregnant but maybe not for too much longer?

She went to her locker to gather all of her things for the weekend and beyond then went down to Travis. She packed him then went to sit behind the wheel as she texted her spouses that she was going home.

Lying was eaiser over text of course but when both asked why, she said she wanted to be with both uninterrupted.

Mal was outside within five minutes.

"Do you have everything?"

"Fuck that shit!"

Marcy giggled. "Mal, go get your things. We're not coming back."

He grew happy. "Fine. I'll go get the crap I'm not going to do."

"Thank you."

He passed Ellen on the way in.

Ellen wondered why Marcy wanted to make love so much.

He didn't know but he didn't want the redhead to ruin it.

She grumped at him before stalking out to the car.

Marcy looked up from her phone. "Hi."

Ellen beamed at Marcy's adorable expression. "Hi."

"Do you have you stuff?"


Marcy popped the trunk. "Put it in."

Ellen put her things inside Travis' trunk. She came back to slide into the front so Mal could have room.

They waited exactly fourteen minutes for Mal to come back out.

"Sorry I took so long. My teacher saw me leaving." He got in and buckled up. "I told her it was baby related."

"It is." Marcy pulled out of her parking spot and out of the lot.

"Hmm?" That confused him.

"I'm in labor."


Marcy pulled into the hospital's inpatient lot and found a spot. Mal jumped out to help her and Ellen out then was mad when she grabbed their hospital bags.

The three went inside and walked to the emergency. A security guard asked if they needed the emergency.

Marcy smiled and said she was in labor.

He took in her albeit altered cheer uniform but called for a wheelchair and nurse.

Once situated in a room, Marcy filled out her paperwork. Then she called Laura, who freaked out.

Marcy told her to hurry then hung up.

Mal took a break from panicking to smirk at her being bad.

Ellen thought that maybe Laura and Mercedes weren't as strong as her wife because Marcy looked perfect belabored. She had the lightest sheen of sweat on her, which made her sparkle and her cheeks were pink as she did her breathing. Her nails were all done and her hair was braided.

She looked really good.


Laura was still about ten minutes away when Marcy felt herself crowning. She'd had a horrible birth with the twins and was scared it'd happen again.

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