Chapter 7

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Marcy entered her home and went up the stairs. She bypassed the floor with her room on it and went straight to the attic nursery. Her kids were there and she nearly broke down as she hugged and kissed them.

She spent time with them until they went to sleep, fighting it the entire time. Then she went down to her room and thought about how she was going to get a particular piece of luggage up the stairs when she saw her husband come from the bathroom.

Her eyes widened. "Mal?"

"Marce." He whispered back.

She ran to him and leapt into his arms.

He hugged her back as fiercely as she held him. He palmed her face and kissed her over and over.

She tried not to cry as emotions flew through her. She understood not one but she knew she'd missed him. She broke away and led him to the bed.

He put her in it and leaned over her.

She pulled him atop her and there were no more tears.


Mercedes hugged her daughter to her fiercely as she went to knock on doors. Raven cried at seeing her mama.

The doors remained shut. So she opened them to find each were empty. Well, almost each room...

Mercedes screamed.

Marcy pursed her lips as Raven screamed. "Stop that!"

Mercedes went to the bed to climb in. "I missed you so much!"

Mal sighed heavily. At least he'd gotten to touch his wife before their sister burst in. "Yeah."

Marcy was not amused. "Get out."

Quinn appeared in the doorway. "You're home!"

Mercedes sat between her brother and sister. "We're home, Sissy!"

Quinn carefully climbed into the bed.

"What is this?" Marcy wondered.

Mike showed up promptly. "You guys are back!"

Mal groaned loudly.

"Mikey!" Mercedes and Quinn yelled.

Mike went to hug his sisters.

"We are naked, you know!" Marcy barked.

Mike kissed her head. "How-?"

Maddie blew in. "Hi!"

"Mad!" The others snapped to.

She crawled in the bed and let them hug and kiss on her. "I missed you!"

"We missed you!"


Laura and Marc went to see about their son then immediately went to check on their siblings.

Not only were the middle six back but so were Karou, Jude, Paris and Yuria; all of whom were deported as well.

The group was so happy to see each other that they didn't fight about anything. At all.

But Marcy had a problem...


Marc lifted a brow. "Have you opened it?"

"No." Marcy covered the trunk back up.

"What do you think's in there?" Maddie wondered as they left the closet.

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