Chapter 18

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"How are you going to tell your parents you're pregnant?" Marcy asked.

Santana cried lowly. "Don't say that so loud!"

"Since when am I loud?" Marcy was actually confused.

Santana laughed. "Don't make me laugh!"

Marcy grumped.

Santana giggled. "Okay, fine. I'll tell my parents soon."

"How soon?" Marcy knew.

Santana audibly gulped. "After your birthday."

"Why my birthday?" Marcy readjusted herself on her bed.

"Just in case they ground me for forever."

Marcy snickered as she checked Ellen's skin. She was slowly getting better. The brunette returned to her phone call. "That's actually a smart idea."


Marcy snickered again.


Puck had Mercedes invite his mom back over so they could talk.

Nadine was nervous. "Is- Is Nic here?"



"She's at a friend's." He unbent a bit.

"She has friends?"


Nadine was so happy he was answering questions. "Is she happy?"

"Yeah. She's a happy kid."

Nadine gave a small smile.

His blood pressure rose seeing it. "So you've changed?"

She made a strange breathing pattern but nodded. "It was slow going but I'm not the same mess you knew growing up."

He just looked at her.

She fidgeted.

"What's so different?"

"I'm clean. I've been clean for exactly five months."

He bobbed his head, knowing that was an accomplishment for her. "And?"

"I can't date for a year. It's frowned upon to enter new relationships when you're just starting recovery."

So that meant she didn't have a boyfriend. "And?"

"I started going to therapy."

He blinked. That was new. "Really now?"

"Yes. My therapist is a really nice woman." She was proud of that.

"I'm gonna be honest. I'm so mad at you that part of me says I don't care that you're doing better."

She folded into herself.

"But part of me, a big part, is glad you're doing better. Proud even."

She burst into tears. "You're proud of me?"

"Yeah." He said slowly. "It's real hard to change when you're used to being a screwup. Sometimes it takes something big to make you do different stuff. But I guess if you changed, that's all that matters."

"I'm not saying you have to forgive me but I am asking for a chance to earn your forgiveness."

"I don't know. I'm a man now. I don't need a-"

"Please don't say it's too late." She began crying in earnest.

He sighed heavily. "I don't know. I really don't."

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