Chapter 13

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Santana felt prepared by the time she left the Fabangeses'. Come the next day, she was going to get Bartie.


Marcy wore black instead of her cheer uniform Monday. Her sisters did as well. Tina wanted to help so she did, too.

Coach Sylvester had a fit. Marcy told her that if she didn't like the way she mourned, kick her off the team. She was sick of being a cheerleader anyway. If she wanted to be yelled at, she could stay at home.

Coach Sylvester was messed up by all of that. She asked questions but Marcy just stared at her with her emotionless eyes. So the mean blonde gave in. She said Marcy and her sisters could have a month to grieve but then she wanted them in uniform.

Marcy shrugged, planning on doing what she wanted. She went about her business.


Mercedes and Quinn hid around the corner with a nervous Santana as Brittany opened her locker. A locker full of flowers exploded onto the dancer, making her scream with happiness.

"It's working!" Mercedes hissed.

Brittany grasped the yellow card that was among the blooms and opened it to read the poetry within and squealed happily at the signature; Your Secret Admirer.

"Patti's a genius." Santana looked her fill before going back around the corner. "This is going to work."

"Of course it is." Quinn smirked. "I say you're going to have them within a week."


It was lunch when Marcy received a phone call. Brittany was talking about her new secret admirer and it led to an in-depth discussion of how the girls each had numerous admirers but Marcy's ringtone cut through that.

Mal wanted to know who it was but Marcy simply stated she had to go. She left and went to Lisa's school to pick her up. The little blonde was distraught and school wasn't making it better.

The principal was Marcy's old teacher and she wanted to know what was going on in the home. Marcy plainly spoke about how Dana was killed. The educator blanched but suggested Lisa take the week off.

Marcy agreed and took Lisa to the high school with her. She didn't want the little girl at home with the babies. Lisa looked around the high school in interest but made sure she stayed close to her big sister.

Marcy took her upstairs to the third floor to her locker since lunch was over.

Mal looked over from putting his lunch-bag away. "Lise!"

Lisa saw him and started running. "Mal!"

He dropped to a knee and opened his arms.

She collided with him and he lifted her, standing. She cried into his neck.

He bounced with her a bit. "It's okay. I'm here."

Marcy made it over and rubbed her back. "Do you want to stay with Mal or do you want to be with me?"

Lisa pointed to her without moving from Mal's embrace.

"What's going on, guys?" Finn was still a bit hungover and heartbroken.

"We'll handle it." Mike spoke before looking down at his wife. "Want me to walk you to class?"

Tina nodded, wanting that immensely.

"Go to class, guys." He took her to class.

Quinn grabbed Sam. "I want MaryAnn's. Will you take me to get some after practices?"

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