Chapter 19

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Puck frowned as his father looked all over the foyer. "Why are you here? How'd you even find me?"

Steven Puckerman looked back at his oldest. "I came to see my boy! Heard you were living it up!"

"I haven't seen you in almost 9 years."

"Yeah." Steve shrugged. "Just been busy. Heard you were, too."

"Where have you been hearing all this from?"

Steve shrugged again. "So what's up with you? How ya been?"

Puck rolled his eyes. "I'm fine."

"Good. That's good. How you get mixed up with these rich people?"

"Aren't you busy?"

"Not too busy for my kid."

Since when? Puck internally scoffed.

"So how'd you get to living here?" Steve put his hands in his pockets and paced the foyer again.

"I married one of the girls." Puck huffed.

Steve's eyes widened. "You're married?!"


"But that stops your fun!"

"My wife is fun."

Steve grinned. "How's she look?"

Puck frowned. "Like a person."

"Come on. Talk to your old man."

Puck was going to refuse when Mercedes came in the house from shopping. "Hi, baby!"

He couldn't help melting at the fact that she was always happy to see him. "Hey, baby."

She went to kiss him. "I bought Rae such cute outfits. She's going to look so cute on her birthday."

He smiled. "I bet."

She noticed the grown man in their midst. "Hello."

Steve raked his gaze over her. "Hello, pretty lady."

Puck's everything turned and he kept his wife by his side. "Baby, why don't you go upstairs and put your stuff up? I'll be up there in a minute."

Mercedes could tell he wasn't okay. "Okay. It was nice to meet you. Bye."

Both men watched as she inched upstairs.

Puck waited for her to disappear from sight before turning to his drooling father. "Why are you here?"

"So you like them thick?" Steve wished she was older.

"Why are you here?"

Steve shrugged. "You seem like you can afford it. Let me hold something until I get paid."

Puck knew it. His mother might have changed but his father would not. "You have a job?"

"Yeah. I work for a oil rig company." Steve looked proud of himself.

"Why do you need my help if you got a big time job?"

"I'm kinda behind on my rent." Steve admitted sheepishly. "It's only $500 but the bitch is threatening to kick me out. I'm good for it."

Puck swore mentally before going to his back pocket. He took out all the money in his wallet and gave it to his father. "Keep it."

Steve's eyes widened at the crisp bills. "Whoa! Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Call it a Father's Day present." Puck monotoned.

Steve brightened. "You're a good boy! You know now that I'm back, we can go all over! Once you get out of school, we can travel and do all kinds of shit!"

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