Chapter 10

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Monday came quickly and the fairgrounds were set up neatly. The siblings went to pay their respects to their elders first after getting signed in and their tees.

Puck, Sam, Tina and Ellen were shown how to give respect and the blond was stoked at least.

After, they went around getting food while waiting for the games to be set up. It took a bit but when they were finally up and running, they prepared.

The first event was shooting with a big gun. Marcy, Karou and eight other cousins lined up.

Of course Marcy won and rubbed it in Karou's face. The brown eyed troublemaker cried.

Yuria had to hug her into a better mood.

Mal laughed.

Ellen was through with him being such a bad influence.


Quinn won her event- throwing Chinese throwing stars. She was so happy because she had a long standing rivalry with Joanna with them. It was a thing.

Mercedes won her event of shooting handguns.

Mal won his katana event.

Laura won her bombing event.

Then the fighting began.

Now that the girls weren't pregnant, they could participate. And they did. Ferociously.

Puck's jaw was permanently dropped.

Sam was pale.

Tina and Ellen were proud, if a bit scared.

Yuria was proud of her friend and her lover.

Jude thought Paris was the cutest boxer he'd ever seen.

When they tired of winning events, the siblings decided to go enjoy the slopes. They went tubing.

That was scary to three of the spouses. Puck was unsure if he was scared or not. He would normally say no and that'd be that but he was really high up and it unnerved him when heights weren't even his phobia.

Marcy took Mickey and Riley with her when she went first. The babies cried but when they got to the bottom, Mickey began clapping her pudgy hands in excitement. Marcy kissed her chubby little face.

Yuria, Tina and Ellen saw it wasn't that scary and they went. All three had a ball.

So Puck and Sam went. Even Scary!Sam had a good time.


"You're going to teach us how to snowboard?" Sam wanted to make sure.

"Yes." Marc yawned. It was three o'clock in the morning after all.

Marcy stopped at the beginning of the mountain. "Okay. Here."

Puck looked around. "There's nothing but trees out here. How are we going to see where we're going?"

"You won't." Mike snickered.

Marc and Mal snickered, too.

Jude shook his head with a smile. "I love snowboarding at daybreak."

Marcy high-fived him. "That's my dude! Let's do this!"

"We don't know how to snowboard though." Sam hurried to put in.

"It's easy." Karou swore. "Just don't fall."

Marc, Mike and Mal howled.

"Shut up before you cause an avalanche." Marcy wanted to laugh, too.

"Can that happen?" Sam was terrified.

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