Chapter 12

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Marcy picked Lisa up. The five year old had a major headache but otherwise, she was having a pretty good day.

The green eyed brunette took her little sister downstairs and to the backyard, where a newly constructed playhouse was erected. Her friends were waiting for her, excited.

Lisa screamed loudly, hurting her own head. She stopped and kicked to be let down before racing to the big yellow and white playhouse.

Marcy smiled and left a nanny out there to watch the trio before going inside. She was going to go upstairs when the doorbell rang. She told Pendleton she'd get it and then she did, finding two officers on the stoop. "Yes?"


"What?!" Marcy's older siblings whisper-yelled as Mal and Maddie were speechless.

"Yes." Marcy nodded. "I've got to tell her."

"I wish you didn't go down there by yourself." Laura was horrified.

Marcy shrugged. "I think we all should tell her actually."

Quinn grimaced. "How do we tell a five year old her mommy died?"

"My poor baby." Mike chewed on his middle finger.

"Shit!" Marc dropped his head.

"We do have to tell her together." Mal rubbed his hands together slowly.

"Hi!" Lisa ran in. "I just had cocoa! I'm hungry!"

"Come here, Bug." Marcy held her hands out.

Lisa ran to her and let Marcy pick her up. "Will you make me food?"

"Yeah, I'll make you food, baby but we've got to have a grown up talk."

Lisa realized her siblings looked downtrodden. "What's going on?"

"Your mommy was hurt really badly." Marcy just ripped the bandage off.

Lisa gasped. "I kiss her better?"

"There's no kiss that came make this better, sweetheart. She's gone. Remember at church when they talked about dying?"

Lisa shook her head.

Marcy explained it in a way a five year old could understand.

Lisa burst into tears.

Marcy hugged her tightly.

Their sisters hugged them with their brothers hugging them.

It was a dark day...


"Did you contact Dana's mother?" Laura looked up suddenly.

Marcy bobbed her head.

"How was she?"

Marcy moved her hand to tap Lisa's chubby cheek gently.

Laura could understand. "When's the funeral? We should go."

Marcy picked up her phone and dialed a number. "Hello? Mrs. Cavanaugh? Yeah. Do you feel up to doing arrangements? That's completely understandable. If you don't feel up to it, we can take care of it. Yes. I've been to my share. I am. I'll call you back with more details later. Goodbye, Mrs. Cavanaugh and make sure to pamper yourself. Bye."

Laura watched as Marcy set her phone in her lap. "We're going to put on the funeral?"

Marcy nodded.

Laura reached out to take her hand to pat. "We'll get through this."

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