Chapter 6

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Halloween was amazing. Maddie, Nic and Lisa loved going all over the neighborhood, collecting treats and actually money. It made the trio happy and their family had gotten these prizes, too.


Ellen woke up on her 16th birthday with a smile. Marcy and Mal made sure she stayed smiling all morning.


Marcy thankfully planned Ellen's birthday party months ago as well. It was a sparkles party, where everything shone beautifully.

Her family was there and she was able to dance, eat and mingle with the people who meant the most to her.


Two days later, Quinn's water broke...


Quinn acted a fool. Sam lost hair.

Quinn had never been in this much pain in her life and she was regularly beaten! She cried and rocked and cursed at Sam.

Her brothers snickered as lowly as possible (to hear everything).

Her sisters were done with them and ignored them to help their sister through this. Like all of her previously pregnant sisters, Quinn refused the epidural.

When it came time to push, she regretted that decision. She began cursing even louder as the boys all left with the kids, Sam trying to slip out as well.

Marcy caught him before he could run. "Nope."

He was terrified of what could happen next. "But-"

"Hold her hand." Marcy pushed him to Quinn's head.

He swept up his wife's hand and held it tightly. Then winced when she squeezed him back. "You're holding a bit tight."

Quinn swung around to glare at him.

He gulped. "You're right."

Quinn gritted her teeth as her doctor told her to push. She tried to be brave and good at this but it just fucking hurt. She cried and told Sam he sucked multiple times by the time she pushed out the first baby's head.

"You can take a rest!" Dr. Fields told her.

Quinn leaned back and tried to breathe. "How did you do this?!"

Marcy shrugged. "You can do it."

"I can't!"

Sam snapped out of it and kissed her sweaty face. "You can! I love you so much! You're doing great!"

"I'm not!" Quinn sobbed.

"You are!" Sam, Laura, Mercedes and Marcy swore.

"Break's over!" Dr. Fields yelled. "Push!"

Quinn was not ready. "That wasn't a break!"

Marcy's lips twitched. "Push!"

Quinn hated this and swore she would never have sex again. She pushed as hard as she could. It took a while but she eventually pushed out her daughter.

Dr. Fields had Sam cut the cord and he was in awe. The baby was bright red and screaming her skin off. She had blonde tufts of hair and her eyes were screwed shut. He fell in love.

Right when the baby was cleaned and able to be held, Quinn started having pains again.

Dr. Fields waved Sam back to Quinn and got back into position. "You've got this, Quinn! Push!"

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