Go to sleep.

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I leaned against the doorway to watch dad read Charlie a bedtime story, since I wanted to make sure he was asleep before I went to bed.
"And Mama in her kerchief and I in my cap... had just settled down for a long winter's nap. When out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter, l sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash. With a miniature sleigh and St. Nich-- and Prancer and Dancer--" he read as he began to mumble and skip parts of the story. "...and to all a good night."
He carefully got up and put the book down before heading over to where I was and turned the light off. Just as we were starting to leave, Charlie spoke up.
"What's that?"
"What's what?" Dad asked as he went back in and I stayed at the door.
"A Rose Suchak ladder?" He asked making me smile at it.
"It's not a ladder. I said, 'arose such a clatter.' It means, eh, 'came a big noise.'." He told before trying to leave again.
"What?" Charlie asked making dad turn the light on and went back over to him.
"Charlie, 'arose' is a word that means 'it came,' and 'clatter' is a big noise. Now, please, go to sleep. Shut your eyes." Dad told as he sat down and grabbed the book again to keep reading him to sleep.
"How do reindeer fly? They don't have any wings." Charlie asked.
"Fairy dust?"
"That's from Peter Pan, Dad." He pointed out.
"Antlers." We both corrected.
"Whatever. Their, uh, antlers give them--You know, ther-- ther-- there's a slipstream effect-- The air go-- T-They move fa-- They're weightless."
"Basically Charlie, the reindeer are magical reindeer. Since they work for Santa, they are apart of the Christmas spirit and that's how they get their powers to fly and help the sleigh fly." I explained making him nod.
'Thank god that worked.'
"But if Santa's so fat, how did he get down the chimneys?"
"He sucks it in like Grandpa." Dad told as he placed a hand on his stomach for reference.
"But what about people who don't have fireplaces? How does he get into their house?"
"Charlie, sometimes believing in something means you--means you just believe in it. Santa uses reindeer to fly because that's how he has to get around." Dad explained.
"But you do believe in Santa, right, Dad?"
"Of course I believe in Santa. Now, please, go to sleep." He told before getting up and headed back out of the room.
"What is it, Charlie?" Dad asked as he popped his head back in.
"Maybe you better leave some cookies and milk out, just in case, okay?"
"Great. I'll just go preheat the oven." He told before leaving again.
"And don't forget the fire extinguisher." Charlie told him as he headed off.
"Good night, Charlie."
"Listen pipsqueek. If you don't go to sleep, Santa won't show up and then you won't get any of the cool presents he had planned. Ok?" I told making him nod.
"Good. Night Charlie."
"Night Yule." He told before closing his eyes and I headed off to my room to go to sleep.

"Yelena!" Charlie slightly shouted as he shook me awake.
"What gremlin?" I groaned out, clearly annoyed by being woken up and I looked at my clock to see it was a few minutes away from turning to midnight.
"I heard a noise."
"It's the wind or trees. Go to sleep or Santa won't come." I told before rolling over to keep sleeping.
"Yule wake up! I really heard something on the roof." He told not giving up.
I went to tell him to knock it off when we both heard a loud noise from above us.
"Dad!" I called before getting up and we both rushed towards his room.
"Ho! Now, settle down there." The voice above us spoke as we rushed towards his room.
We slightly skidded as we rounded the corner before we ran into his room. Once we got to his side, Charlie began to shake dad to get him to wake up.
"Dad! Dad!" We both spoke which woke him up and he moved his head towards us.
"W-What?" He asked as sleep was still on his voice.
"We heard a clatter." Charlie told.
"What, Charlie?" Dad asked before Charlie shook him more and he rolled over to look at us, when we heard another noise above us.
"There! A clatter!" Charlie told only for dad to still be confused.
"Charlie, what are you talkin' about?"
"You know, 'it came a big noise.'. It's coming from outside."
"We think someone's on the roof." I told as I could finally think enough to be able to speak.
"Charlie, Yelena, it's just the wind or somethin'. Come on. Let's go back to bed." He told before getting up to put us back into our roofs, only for a loud thud to happen above us. "Somebody's on the roof."
"I don't know dad. It could be the wind." I sarcastically told since he didn't believe us at first.
"Maybe it's Santa." Charlie told making dad ignore it.
"Not now, Charlie. I want you and Yule to sit here, and I want you to stay right there." He told as he made us sit on his bed before rushing out, and then rushed back in. "Charlie, Yelena, do you know how to call 911?"
"Sure. 911." We both told him since it was in the name.
"Yeah. Great. Stay there." He told before rushing away again.
"We aren't staying here are we?" Charlie asked making me look towards him.
"Duh." I told before we rushed out of dad's room to get shoes and coats that would keep us warm.

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