Getting ready for Christmas.

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(Yule p.o.v)

"Rise and shine, Gorgeous!" Bernard spoke as he opened my curtains so the morning light hit me in the face to wake me up.
"Not now Bernard." I whined as I rolled over.
"Yes now! First day we introduce you and your father to the sections of the workshop." He told as he moved about my room.
"It's 8 am." I complained.
"I was being nice and not waking you up at 6:30." He told making me groan out as I covered my head with my blanket. "You can not stay in bed."
"I can try!" I shouted out.
He let out a sigh before moving and pulling my blanket off of me, making me glare towards him as he gave me a smirk.
"I hate you elf boy."
"You say that every morning Snowflake, yet you still talk to me."
"I am not talking to Curtis. Dude keeps going on about the stupid book. Christmas spirit should do this and that, and they must not do that or this." I stated as he pulled me up.
"He is the keeper of the handbook."
"Yeah of Santa's. Dude only started reading mine like two weeks before thanksgiving." I stated as he gave me some clothes to change into.
"Well you do forget, most of us were actually unsure if you were real, gorgeous." He told before head headed to my door to give me privacy.
"What about you?" I asked him making him stop to look at me. "Did you believe in me?"
"I did." He admitted with a smile before he left me to myself.
'These feelings are complicated.'

As time went on, everything became more frantic the closer we got to Christmas. But the good news was the fact I was getting better at creating snow animals.
"I made a bird!" I told in excitement to Bernard.
"I can see that gorgeous." He pointed out with a smile.
"I know. But I'm just so happy that I got it. Next stop, reindeer." I told making him chuckle.
"Don't worry if you can't get it yet."
"We'll see." I told him making us smile at one another. "I beat you a hot fudge sundae that I won't be able to make a snow reindeer before Christmas sun rise."
"Deal." He told making us chuckle.

"Charlie's got some great idea on how to keep you safe." Bernard told Dad as the three of us walked together though a part of the workshop, and I had her hair up in two buns with the rest hanging down all the way to my waist from how long it had gotten while being at the North Pole.
Of course we neared the sleigh where Charlie and some other elves were, working on some improvements for the old thing.
"Santa, Snowflake, this is Quintin, head of research and development." Bernard introduced us all.
"Quintin, good to meet ya." Dad told him as they shook hands.
"Hello, Santa. Hello Christmas Spirit."
"Just call me Yule." I told making him nod.
"Charlie and I have put our heads together, and I think we've got a few surprises for you."
"This is some of the best stuff that's come out of the workshop since the ball." Bernard informed us before he took my hand and lead me through the crowd of elves.
"Fabulous. What happens if I fall off the roof?" Dad asked, only for no one to tell him what he asked before he followed after us.

Later on, I was learning how to juggle snow as Charlie called mom and Neal to give them an update.
"Hello?" Mom asked over the phone before she heard Charlie's voice.
"Oh, Charlie. Oh, my God. Honey, how are you? Are you-- Are-- Where are you and Yelena? Are you both okay?" She asked, trying to not let her fear show, though I could still hear it.
"I'm fine, so is Yule. We're up at the North Pole." He told her.
"Charlie, are you sure you're okay?" She asked him.
"I'm terrific! I'm helping the elves build a new sleigh. We're trying for a vertical takeoff. Well, gotta go. The elves need me."
"No, Charlie, wait. No, don't hang up the phone, honey." She begged, needing him to stay on for longer.
"Don't worry, Mom. Everything's fine. See you at Christmas." He told before pulling the phone away from his ear.
"Charlie, don't-- Ah." She groaned out as he passed the phone to me before rushing off, making me bring the phone up to my ear.
"Hey mom." I told with a small smile.
"Yelena, where are you two?"
"Like Charlie said. North Pole." I told into the phone, though the reception was bad.
"Yelena, you are not making any sense."
"Sorry. For a bunch of magical beings, they don't really have great reception down here." I pointed out as I semi crossed my arms.
"Hey beautiful, we got work to do to get you ready for Christmas." Bernard told as he came over to where I was.
"Did someone call you beautiful?" She asked me, and I could hear the worry in her voice.
"Yeah it's just what Bernard calls me sometimes. Looks like I gotta go mom."
"No! Yelena, please stay on the line."
"Snowflake, we really need to go." He told making me hold a finger up to him.
"Mum I really gotta go. I'll see you and Neal on Christmas." I told as Bernard was signalling for me to wrap it up. "Bye mom, love you. Tell Neal I say hi!"
I quickly hung the phone up as my mother was trying to stop me, and I looked towards him to see he held a small smile on his face.
"Very. Let's go beautiful." He told before taking my hand and dragging me along to wherever.
"What's happening?" I asked as I moved my wrist out of his grip and replaced it with my hand.
"Showing you your new suit."
"I get a suit?" I asked as I stopped in my tracks making him do the same.
"Yep." He told making me bounce in excitement.
"Oh Bernard!" I told in delight before hugging him quickly, making him chuckle at it.
"Come on, Snowflake." He told making us pull apart before he dragged me off to see my new suit.

When we got there, I saw it was a dark blue outfit with white trimming like you'd see on Santa's suit to help keep me warm. I couldn't help but smile as I saw the embroidered snow details around the fabric.
"What do you think?"
"I love it." I told him, making him smile.
"You haven't seen the best part." He told making me give him a confused look at what he meant.

Me and my father watched on as they sent burst of fire towards both our outfits. Shocking the two but also impressing us that both outfits were perfectly fine.
"Fireplaces will no longer be a problem." Bernard stated.
"Peachy." I muttered as I saw the top that stuck out of the suit was shrivelled up now from the fire.
"It's a new fabric. Completely flame retardant. It's light, yet durable." Quintin explained to us as him and Judy stood beside the outfits.
"And you can wear the jumpsuit under your coat and pants." Judy added pointing to Scott's outfit, since it was built into my outfit due to them having to make mine from scratch.
"Handy." I told making Bernard squeeze my shoulder.
"But what do I do if I fall off a roof?" Dad asked again.

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