On the night before Christmas.

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I was standing in my room smoothing out my velvet coat as I looked in my mirror before I saw Bernard looking towards me with a soft look on his face.
"Ready for this?" Bernard asked me as I made sure I had everything in the right spot for the night.
"I think." I admitted before I turned around to look at him. "Well, what do you think?"
I watched as he checked over me in my outfit since this is the first time anyone but me and the elves that worked on it have seen it on me, and I noticed a slight blush form on his face.
"You look beautiful, Snowflake." He told making me blush as well. "But you are missing something."
"Oh? What is it?" I asked making him reveal I had my own hat that looked like my dad's Santa one. "Bernard you didn't have to."
"Thought it was fitting." He told as he helped put it on my head and I saw one of the pins from his hat was now on mine.
"You gave me a pin?"
"For good luck tonight." He admitted with a blush, making us smile towards one another before we had to join the others for this.
'We can do this!'

We all stood in the snow and got the sleigh ready for any last minute things before we had to take off.
"By the way, when you get back Gorgeous. All the elves prepared some birthday gifts for you." Bernard softly told me as I got Charlie into the sleigh.
"You have to open my gift first." Charlie told me, making me chuckle.
"Don't worry Gremlin I will." I told before I looked towards Bernard. "And thanks for the warning."
"No problem, Snowflake."
"All right, let's go!" Dad told as he climbed in, making me do the same and sat in the back. "You ready to go, sport?"
"You betcha, Dad." Charlie told him with a smile.
"How about you, Yule?"
"Definitely!" I told with a smile.
"Yes Bernard?" I asked as I leaned over the side so we could talk, despite it not being the most comfortable leaning over the sleigh like I was.
"You be safe. Ok? We finally got the Christmas spirit and we can't go loosing her so soon." He told making me smile.
"Oh Bernard. When have I ever been safe?" I asked before moving back into the sleigh properly and he made sure he wouldn't get hurt when we took off.
"Yule I mean it!" He told with a warning tone.
"I promise I'll be safe!" I told which made him smile that I promised such, as Dad started to name the reindeers.
"Now Dasher, now Dancer!" Dad started before I jumped in.
"Now Prancer and Vixen!" I shouted before Charlie took over.
"On Comet, on Cupid! On Donner and Blitzen!" Charlie shouted before I clicked my tongue for us to start to fly into the air and we all waved bye to everyone.
'Bye-bye. Bye, Quintin! Bye, Peewee!" Charlie shouted to his friends as we got higher and higher. "Merry Christmas!"
"Hyah!" Dad shouted to the reindeer making us fly off into the sky.

"Charlie, stay in your seat." Dad ordered as we headed to the first town.
"I gotta show you this. Radar-jamming jingle bells, snow screen, DC- alert and air freshener." He listed off as he showed us each thing.
"Wow." We both told in amazement.
"And most important of all, your hats." He told us, making us give him a confused look.
"Our hats?"
"It's lined with a two-way radio. Microphone's in here. It connects you directly to Judy." He told us as he used dads as an example.
"Wait a minute. What's this?" Dad asked as he pointed to the CD.
"Oh, that's a C.D." He told us.
"Compact disc?" We both asked.
"No. Cookie/cocoa dispenser." He told before putting it on and it filled up the three cups. "The cocoa comes out nice and hot. And... out pops the cookie."
"Aren't you a smartie pants." I told as I messed up his hair.
"How could I have done this without you, Charlie?"
"You couldn't." We both told him making us chuckle.

I snuck through the house with my dad and couldn't help but smile at the little girl sleeping in the lounge. Dad moved some more blanket onto her and tucked her in making her wake up to see us.
"You're fatter this year." She softly told us.
"Thank you very much. You've grown too." Dad told her.
"Who are you?" She asked me.
"Well I'm the spirit of Christmas of course." I gently told her.
"Really?" She asked making me nod before I sprinkled some snow on top of her, making her smile at it.
"And you were a very good girl this year, but I want you to go back to sleep, okay?" Dad told her making her do so and closed her eyes as Dad tossed me a cookie before he drank some milk.
"Good cookie." I whispered as he seemed to not enjoy the taste of the milk.
"I think the milk's a little sour." He gently told Sara.
"It's soy milk." She told us.
"Huh?" We both asked.
"You said you were lactose intolerant." She stated making me look towards dad.
"Smart kid."
"I did say that, didn't l? Thanks for remembering. Go to sleep." He told making her close her eyes before I grabbed his bag and we both patted her head goodbye before going into the chimney.
"Merry Christmas, Sara." We both whispered to her.
"Merry Christmas, Santa. Merry Christmas, Christmas spirit." She whispered back making us smile before we headed back up the chimney.

As we traveled through the sky, Charlie pointed down to one of the streets.
"Look, there's Mom and Neal's street! Can we go there next?" Charlie asked dad.
"Sure." He told before turning the reindeers that way.
"I made something for them at the workshop." Charlie added.

Of course after a few minutes of dad being in the house, we watched police drag dad outta the house, making us share a worried look. Especially since other kids from around the street saw what the police were doing.
"Santa, are you okay?" The kids questioned.
"It'll be okay, kids." Dad told them
"Let him go! Let Santa go!" A little girl shouted as they put dad into the police.
"Honey, I'm sure Charlie and Yelena's fine." We heard Neal tell mum down below us.
"Yule, do you copy!" Judy asked over my hat radio.
"Hey Judy."
"Yule, I can't get ahold of your father."
"Yeah about that. We've got a problem."
"What type of problem?"
"A problem that's gonna make Bernard freak."
"Oh that's bad." She told before it went silent.
After a minute or so, the radio in my hat turned back on.
"What do you mean it's going to make me freak?!" Bernard questioned over the radio.
"Dads been arrested for mine and Charlies kidnapping it seems. And to think, I thought if Santa was to get arrested, it's cause he ran grandma over with the reindeer."
"Don't worry. The E.L.F.S have been deployed."
"The who?" I questioned.
"The Effective Liberating Flight Squad. They are kinda like our version of military."
"That's kinda cool I guess. We are on the roof of our mother's house."
"Stay safe, Snowflake."
"I'll try." I told him before we stopped talking through the radio.

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