Not the results they wanted.

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"Yelena!" Laura called making her rush down the stairs to see what was up.
"Apparently you got a delivery." She told making Yelena go over and get the red box with the gold trimming on it from her hands. "I didn't know you ordered anything."
"Neither did I if I'm honest." She admitted before opening it to see a simple message in neat hand writing.
'So you know what to expect, Snowflake. Read it! Yours, B.' The message read and Laura was just confused at what it meant.
"Who's B?"
"Just a friend from school." Yule told before pulling out a book titled the spirit of Christmas, making her rush to go upstairs and read the book.

After some time of Scott trying to make himself look less like Santa, Laura and Neal decided to get rid of Scott's visitation rights to scare him into stopping this supposed act. Which didn't make Charlie or Yule happy about this, especially since they knew the truth in the manner. The receptionist said thank you to the judge, before he went over to the four that waited outside of his office marked Judge Wayland.
"Yelena, do you mind if I talk to you and then your brother for a minute?" He asked.
"Does it matter if I say no?" She asked in annoyance making her mother signal to knock it off. "I guess."
She stood up and headed into the office to talk to him, though she kept drawing pictures of Bernard mixed in with the sky light from that night.
"So how do you like your father?"
"Before last Christmas. Hated the guy and didn't even call him dad anymore."
"And now?"
"He's become better and I want to spend time with him. Look, don't get me wrong. I worry about him as well, but that's cause he is getting on in the years so it's expected to lose colour in your hair and gain some pounds... he just happens to look like Santa now." She explained, not letting on to the truth.
"Despite how it might effect your brother?"
"Charlie likes Christmas. All kids do."
"All kids start to realise Santa isn't real though." The judge stated.
"Why do they have to stop believing in a magical being who delivers presents to those that a good when they turn a certain age? Shouldn't we hope they believe longer to make them behave longer?" She pointed out.
"I suppose so." He agreed before he pulled out some drawings that Laura and Neal brought in. "They tell me this is all you create recently."
"For one, they are really good. Secondly, they all have one thing in common. They are Christmas theme." He told as he laid some out.
"It's just from a weird dream I had awhile ago is all."
"Of the North Pole?" He asked making her shrug.
"It was a very prominent dream I guess." She stated.
"Can I keep this?" He asked at one of the ones she did of the stables with the reindeers.
"Sure. It's like my fifth one I did of that." She told making him smile as he put it off to the side to keep. "But like I said. It's just a dream that was very realistic so I've been drawing them."
"I see, I see. Moving on slightly, how do you like living with your mother and stepfather?"
"Alright." She told as she looked down.
"You don't look it."
"I like living with my mother, I do.... But there are the usual tiffs one has when growing up. I wanna be an artist, Neal says I need to figure out a real job, mom clarifies that he means I should have a fall back to earn money and not die like Van Gogh. Also can't forget the whole, people won't take you too seriously in the real world if you go by Yule... hence Yelena."
"What do you want to go by?" He asked making her think something no one had really asked her almost two years at this point.
"I... I really don't know anymore." She admitted to him.
"Look, you're 18 in three months. Meaning my say in what you do doesn't matter in the grand scheme."
"But I want you to know, that what I decided for your brother will also happen to you, just as a formality and so he doesn't feel like he is missing out incase I don't rule in favour of your father keeping his rights." He gently explained.
"I understand. Thank you for listening I guess."
"Thank you for tell me, Yule." He told with a smile, making her give a small one back before they moved so they could switch with Charlie. "We won't be long."
With that the door shut and Yule sat down across from the door, as her mother stood there worried.
"Are we doing the right thing, Neal?" Laura asked.
"Something needs to shake Scott."
Yeah, but... but to take away his visitation rights." She spoke as she went to look out the window and Yule looked over to see Bernard.
"I'm going to the loo." She told them before going over to him and the two hid off to the side to not be seen.
"I've been looking all over for you." He told her.
"Yeah they are doing this whole dad might be getting his visitation rights taken away. What's up?"
"Have your powers come in yet?"
"What powers?"
"I'm gonna take that as a no then."
"Can you warn me what I should be expecting then?"
"You should be able to create snow beings of sorts. Mostly to do with snow."
"Oh god the rabbit."
"I drew a snow rabbit awhile ago and it came to life but I thought I just imagined it." She admitted to him.
"Well you'll be able to just do it with your hands. So that's something you can look forward to." He pointed out.
"Why are you helping me with this and not my dad?"
"He needs to work it out himself.... Besides, I want to help you." He told making her blush.
"Uh.... Thanks, I guess." She told making him put his hands on her shoulders.
"No matter what Snowflake, I'll help you and be by your side." He told her, making her smile before she saw her father.
"Dad?" She questioned making him see her.
"Yelena why are you over here?" He asked making her look to see the pile of glitter.
'Figures.' She thought to herself.
"Pep talk." She told making him nod before she lead him back to where the others were.
"Where's Charlie? I want to talk to him." Scott told Neal and Laura.
"He's with the judge." Laura told him as her and Neal stood up, before the door opened and Charlie came rushing out when he saw Scott.
"Dad!" He shouted before he let Scott pick him up and hold him. "It's all okay. I told the judge everything... about you, Yule and the North Pole."

After some time, they were all brought into his office and Yule held her fingers crossed in the hopes for a miracle.
"After reviewing all of your testimonies, I've come to a very difficult decision." He announced to them. "I'm sorry to do this in light of the holiday season, but in the best interest of both children, I'm granting the petition of Dr and Mrs Miller. Mr Calvin, as of today, all of your visitation rights are suspended... pending a hearing after the first of the year." The judge told them all, crushing Yule, Charlie and Scott at this decision.
"Mum it's not fair." Yule told as they went down the elevator.
"He will get his rights back when he drops this whole Santa act."
"What's wrong with Charlie still believing in Santa? Hell, I believe in Santa again. Because Dad brought magic back to us and I haven't seen Charlie this happy in a long time. But you don't care about what we want or what we choose to believe in." She argued before taking Charlie's hand as the doors to the elevator opened. "Come on gremlin. We've got reindeer to train."
The two walked off away from their mother and Neal, despite her trying to get them to come back and see her side of things.

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