Christmas night.

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After some time had passed, I looked at my watch to see it was now 12.01 am.
"It's officially the start of my birthday." I softly told Charlie.
"Happy birthday Yule." He told making me smile at him.
"Thanks Gremlin."
"Have you realised ever since we arrived at the North Pole... you stopped going by Yelena?" He asked me, making me realise that I had.
"Yeah... guess I have." I told before some elf's joined us on the roof wearing hover backs on their backs.
"Charlie? Yule?" The head elf of the group asked us.
"Yeah?" We both asked him as Charlie moved behind me.
"Don't worry. We're the good guys. Come on. Let's go save Santa." He told us. 
"We can't. The police are watching this place." Charlie pointed out as we stood up. 
"Yeah, they probably are. But you see, we weren't figuring on walking out the front door. We find that we can get around a lot faster if we fly. Now... grab hold of my hand.And hang on tight." He told as he grabbed Charlie's hand to help him. "And Charlie?"
"Don't ever try this without elf supervision." He told Charlie, making him nod.
I used my snow powers to quickly created a reindeer so the E.L.F.S didn't have to worry about me.
"Bernard so owes me that hot fudge sundae now!" I told in excitement that I finally created a snow reindeer.
Once he moved, I quickly got on and began to head towards the police station with the others. As we traveled, I noticed my hands were creating sparkles and it fell towards the ground over the town.
"This is cool." I softly told myself as I watched it leave my hands.
"It's how you bring joy back to the world for the next year. You start to release it." One of the elf's informed me, which I smiled at.
"Best job ever!" I shouted as we rushed to the police station, flying through the sky.
As we flew about, I started to get more confident and started to do tricks, amusing Charlie. We helped Charlie onto my reindeer, before we started to move about and even went upside down, making him chuckle as a smile grew on my face at it.

When we got into the police we went to the front desk to see a cop eating a donut as he read a book. Of course he was confused why a bunch of looking kids and a teen were standing there.      
"We're looking for Santa Claus." The head ELFS told the cop. 
"Go home, kids. Visiting hours are over." The cop told us. 
"We're not kids, and we're not visiting." He informed the cop.
"Yeah, I turned 18 three minutes ago. I'm legally an adult now." I pointed out.
"We're here to bust out me and my sisters dad." Charlie told making me wave with my fingers as sparkles fell with each movement I did.
"You're both the Calvin boy and girl." He told when he realised who we were and reached for the file. "Who-- Who are these other kids?"
"We're your worst nightmare. Elves with attitude." The head ELFS told him with a smirk.
I held my hand out in front of me and towards his face before I blew snow into his eyes so he stumbled back into his chair before the other ELFS' pulled him the rest of the way into the chair and started to tie him to it.
"I am loving my job." I admitted with a smile as we laughed at the cop spinning as ribbons wrapped around him to keep him in the chair.
"Shouldn't have had that doughnut." He told before we went rushing to the cells. "Untie me! I mean it! Untie--"

"Charlie! Yule!" Dad told when he saw us as he was behind bars.
"Are you okay, Dad?" We both asked him. 
"I am now." He told us before the ELFS used tinsel to cut through the metal, making the door pop off and be moved to the side. "How'd you do that?"
"Tinsel. Not just for decoration." Head ELFS stated before we went rushing out. 
"Hey, excuse me. Can I get some of that tinsel?" The other guy in the cell asked.
"No! But you can have some joy!" I told as I flicked some sparkles into his face before we rushed off to get back to Mum and Neal's house.

As soon as we were safe back at the house, the ELFS headed back off to the North Pole but we're on standby again. Charlie was the first to enter the house, with dad right behind me. 
"Mom? Mom! Neal. We're home!" We both called out, trying to figure out where they were.
Of course they moved out from the dining room and Neal was the first to rush towards us.
"Charlie? Yelena?" He questioned before he pulled us into a hug.
As we hugged him, we could feel how worried he was, making me share a look with dad silently agreeing that this was going to be the last stop for one of us. 
"Charlie? Yelena?" Mum spoke as tears welled up in her eyes as she joined the hug. "Oh, my God, Charlie, Yelena. Sweethearts. Oh, God. Come here. Come here. Oh, my boy and girl. Oh, my sweethearts. Oh! My boy and my girl, you're home! Oh, I missed you both so much. How are you two?"
"I'm fine, Mom." We both told her as she just squeezed us and littered our faces with kisses.
"Are you okay? Look at me. Oh, Charlie. I missed you, honey. And I missed you, honey."
"Mom, I'm fine. It's okay." Charlie told.
"We really are. I looked out for him like I promised I would." I added, hoping this distracted Charlie long enough for dad to escape and I'd catch up with him soon. 
"We were so worried about you two. Look at you both." Mom told us, just happy for us to be back.
"Mom, put me down. Stop kissing me!" Charlie whined.
"Mom you need to let me go. I have a job to do." I added as she still kept hold of us.
"I don't have a lot of time." Dad told us all.
"Neither do I." I added as mum finally let us go and put Charlie down. 
"Did you leave the gifts I made under the tree?" Charlie asked as he went over to dad and I followed. 
"You bet I did." Dad told him, trying to keep his sadness from showing.
"We better go." Charlie told as he headed for the door, making us all go to stop him. 
"No, Charlie." Me and dad told him as mom rushed towards us in a panic.
"No! No, wait, Charlie." Mum told him, making Dad hold up a hand.
"No, no, no. It's okay, Laura." Dad reassured her before he looked towards Charlie. "Actually, l--I think it's a much better idea... that you stay here with your Mom and Neal."
"Really?" Mom asked, as Charlie got a sad look on his face. 
"But, Dad--" Charlie began before dad cut him off.
"No buts, Charlie. I can't be selfish. I can't be with you all the time. We're a family. You,Yule, me, your mom... and Neal. And they need to be with you too." Dad softly told him.
"I miss you both too much." He told us as tears welled up in his eyes as he hugged us, making us move so dad was sitting down and I was crouching beside him.
"Come here a minute. Ah, listen to me. Come on, listen. There's-- There's a lot of kids out there. Okay? Millions of kids. And they're-- They all-- They all believe in me and Yule. They're countin' on us, Charlie. And l--I'm not gonna let them down. I got a lot of work to do. And so does Yule in spreading Christmas joy for the new year." Dad softly explained to him. 
"So I can't be selfish either." Charlie told realising the same thing. 
"You gave me a wonderful gift, Charlie. Listen, a wonderful gift. You and Yule believed in me when nobody else did. You helped make me Santa."
"And me Christmas Spirit." I added. 
"Selfish? Come on. You're the least-- the least selfish person we know." Dad told him, making him hug us as he cried. 
"I love you, Santa Claus." Charlie told us through his tears as we hugged him. 
"I love you, son." 
"And I love you so much, Charlie." I added as we helped settle his tears down.
"It's okay. Okay. It's okay. Shh." Dad told before we pulled away and I used my sleeve to dry his tears.
"Hey Gremlin, I need you to be good and to cause mom and Neal a little bit of trouble now that I can't do it." I added as I tried to hold my tears back as more sparkles fell from me with each movement that I did from wiping his tears away.
"But I've never been apart from you." He pointed out.
"I know. And I'm going to miss you so much, but I need to make sure the spirit of Christmas is kept alive. I've got to release all this joy and wonder you helped me collect." I told him as I moved my hand above his head so sparkles fell on him. "Like I said. I couldn't have become Christmas spirit without you buddy."
"Promise you'll visit as much as you can?"
"Pinky swear." I told him as we wrapped our pinky's together and kissed our hands before he hugged me again,
"I'm gonna miss you, Yule."
"I'm gonna miss you, Charlie." I told before I had an idea and pulled back to look at him. "Here Charlie. I want you to have this."
I pushed my hands together before separating them to show the snowflake I formed just for him.
"As long as you continue to believe in us, then the snowflake will never melt. So you will always know I am watching over you no matter what." I explained as I gave it to him.
"It's just like your necklace." He pointed out.
"So you know whenever I'll look at my necklace I am thinking of you, like how the snowflake will work for you." I told before we all looked towards Mom as Dad held Charlie in his lap again.
"Laura, what do you think? Christmas Eve you guys spend with Charlie and Yule?" Dad asked, making tears form in her eyes as she realised who he finally was now.
"Oh, my God. It's you. It really is you. You really are...Santa Claus." She told us, making us smile.
"Pretty cool, huh?" Dad asked.
"Oh, my God." Neal muttered to himself, still not believing in any of this. 
"And your parents thought I'd never amount to anything." Dad told making us chuckle.
"Oh, wait. Don't go yet. I have something for you." Mom quickly told before rushing off and stopped at Neal. "It's Santa!"
As she ran upstairs, Neal just looked at us in disbelief, as we got ready for me and dad to leave. 
"Scott." Neal told, making us look towards him.
"Neal." Dad told back as he moved closer and he gave us a look.
"Santa?" He softly asked.
"It's okay, Neal." Dad told him, making him let out a gruff as he walked a bit away before mum came rushing back with some papers in a file. 
"Here. It's, um-- Well, it's-- It's my Christmas present for you. It's the, um-- It's the custody papers. And I want you to come and see Charlie as often as you can." Mom told him before burning the papers. 
"You can count on it. Thanks, Laura." Dad told as mom picked up Charlie again. "Merry Christmas."
"I'll come by as often as I can as well." I added.
"You're not staying?" Mum asked.
"I can't. I've got a job to do as Christmas Spirit. Spread joy through the world for the new year." I softly explained as tears formed in her eyes and I showed her my ears and hair have changed.
"My little Yelena is Christmas spirit." Mum cooed as she hugged me while she kept hold of Charlie.
"Yule." I corrected making us pull back enough so we could look at one another.
"You want to just go by Yule again?"
"I do. I think it's more fitting than going by Yelena as the embodiment of Christmas spirit, don't ya think?" I told making her chuckle.
"I definitely think so." She told as she cupped my face before we heard bells, making us look towards the kitchen.
"What's all this boo-hooing goin' on here?" Bernard asked as he walked in with some random food and a mouth full, making me start to smile at it as came to a stop next to Neal who was just shocked. "Hey, how ya doin'? Hey Gorgeous.
"Hey Bernard." I told as I gave a small wave, which caused some sparkles to come off my hand when I did so.
"You should get back into the air soon so you can release that all over the world." He told me, making me give a nod.
"Don't worry. We are about to head off." I informed him, making him smile before dad spoke.
"It's nothin', Bernard. I'm just saying goodbye to Charlie with Yule."          
"What goodbye?" Bernard asked us, before he looked towards Chalrie. "Charlie, you still got the glass ball, right?" 
"Well, all you gotta do... is shake it whenever you want to see your dad or sister." Bernard explained to us.
"They can come back to see you... anytime day or night. Hey, have I ever steered ya wrong?" Bernard asked making Charlie shake his head no and I mouthed a thank you to him, making him give a small smile before he got distracted by what Neal was wearing. "Nice sweater. Hey, did we make this?"
"Are you two dating?" Mom asked at him calling me gorgeous.
"Then why did he call you gorgeous?"
"It's just a Bernard thing with me." I told with a shrug.
"Snowflake do you know if we made this?" He asked as I looked over to him.
"I don't." I told, making him tsk.
"Laura. He's sucking us into his delusions. Look at the elaborate measures he's taken." Neal told as Bernard checked his tag and sweater to see if the workshop actually did make it, before Neal took back the food he was eating, upsetting Bernard.
"Neal, relax. I'll explain it to you later." Mum told him.
"Yeah Snowflake?"
"There's some cookies for you in the sleigh." I told making him smile.
"You are best Snowflake." He told making us smile towards each other before he disappeared.
"Where'd he go?" Neal questioned when he looked back.
We heard noise outside, making me look to see cops rushing to the house.
"Uh dad. We should really go." I told him, making them all move to see it.
"Yeah we should." He told before we headed to the chimney.

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