The teaching fiasco.

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Ever since Christmas Day, I haven't been able to stop drawing, painting or even sculpting things from my dream of dad becoming Santa. Which was definitely becoming a problem of space I was running out of in my room, or Charlie's since he often got some of the ones he liked and hung them up around his room. Though I heard a knock at my wall, making me look to see it was Neal checking in on me.
"What are you painting kiddo?" Neal asked as I worked on some more pieces in my room.
"Nothing that important. Just stuff I can't get out of my head." I explained as I worked on it.
He walked in a little more to have a look as I worked, of course all he seemed to see was just an elegant room that had Christmas objects around the place, which according to my dream is my room for the rest of my life by the end of the year.
"It.... Looks nice."
"Thanks. I don't fully understand why I can't get these things out of my head even after painting or drawing them." I admitted.
"Is that why Charlie has a bunch of your art works in his room?"
"Yeah. If I'm just nonstop making the same stuff, might as well give him his favourite ones." I told with a shrug before moving the painting to the other easel I had for drying.
I grabbed another painting that I was working on, which so happened to be Bernard. There was just something about him in my dreams that makes me wish he was real and I wasn't losing my mind on it.
'I know Charlie says it happened, but it still feels like a dream.... Despite how real it felt.'
"Who's this?" Neal asked.
"He's an elf I believe. Hence the ears." I explained before I started to mix some colours so I could start painting.
"Ok then." He told not sure what else to say before he left me to my work.
Which I should have known was a bad thing due to where I was dragged to by Neal and my mother.

I was sitting in a chair in Charlie's classroom since he was having a parents day and I didn't really understand why I was there.
"So, remember, kids, there is nothing more painful than third degree burns." Fireman O'Hara told all of us, making the Teacher step in slightly.
"Well, thank you, Fireman O'Hara. And I think the whole class will join me in saying... sorry about your partner. Well, perhaps this is a good time to bring up the psychiatrist. Charlie, would you like to introduce your, um-- Dr Miller?" She told with a smile before Charlie got up and went over to me, mom and Neal.
"Can I ask Dad to go first?" Charlie asked.
"Well, if that's how you feel, Charlie." Neal told wanting the best for my little brother.
"That's how he feels, Neal. Come on. Nice sweater, buddy." Dad told before the two walked off.
"Why am I even here?" I whispered to mom and Neal.
"Because you had a half day and we thought this would be good for you to see job options and what you may wanna do." Mom whispered
"I know what I want to do. I want to do something artistic."
"We understand that Yelena. But you may need other options, instead of your hobby." Neal whispered making me roll my eyes before looking towards Dad and Charlie.
When I did, I saw the look dad was giving me from the conversation the three of us were having. I waved him off so he wouldn't worry about it, but knowing him, he was gonna find out sooner or later.
"This is my dad, Scott Calvin. He's got a really neat job." Charlie informed us all.
"Thank you, Charlie." Dad told as he hold the do it all dolly doll his company recently made.
"My dad is Santa Claus." Charlie told making my eyes go wide.
"Oh, boy! I think what he means is, I'm like Santa Claus. We're both giving. We're both jolly. And we both work very hard one day a year." Dad explained to everyone.
"Oh, boy." Mom muttered.
"That's not what I mean, Dad. Look, on Christmas Eve, my dad pushed Santa off the roof." Charlie explained before he started to walk back to his desk.
"No, Charlie-- Ch-- Charlie." Dad spoke to try and stop what he was doing.
"Santa disappeared and my dad took his place."
"Charlie!" Dad called as he grabbed the snow globe Bernard had giving him.
"Then I along with my sister Yelena went with him to deliver all the presents. Then the reindeer flew us to the North Pole where the head elf,"
"Bernard, gave me this." He told as he pointed to the snow globe. "And he also informed my sister she was Christmas Spirit and also gave her a necklace to help her with it."
"Look, I work for a toy company. I deliver toys all over the country. So, in a way, I'm like Santa Claus." Dad corrected as I sunk down in my chair slightly to avoid attention, before a little girl put her hand up and dad pointed to her. "Yes, sweetheart?"
"Do you make the toys?"
"No, stupid, the elves do!" Another boy stated.
"Bobby, we don't say 'stupid', and we don't say 'elves.' They're little people." The teacher corrected.
"No, but they really are elves." Charlie argued making the teacher give an unsure smile.
"Whatever, honey."
"Which one's your favourite reindeer?" The boy from before asked.
"Comet." Charlie quickly told.
"Uh, l, l, I don't have a favourite." Dad admitted as he patted his head down with the dolls dress.
"So, let me get this straight, Santa. You mean, when I grow up, if I wanna be Santa Claus, all I gotta do is push you off a roof?" The same boy questioned, making me smirk slightly.
"You guys were right. I think I've found another career to go into." I sarcastically whispered towards mom and Neal.

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