01 | Petrichor

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It was early in the morning in the EU household. The sun had just shown a bit of its flares through the tall mountain ranges which surrounds the territory in where all the Personifications of the world set foot to survive and thrive. And it certainly didn't take very long for someone to finally be awake from all that dreamless, maybe not, sleep.

Netherlands, one of the more less-talked of members of the European Union, had just woken up being greeted with that existential dread and past regrets. Running his fingers through his messy hair, as those droopy orange-coloured eyes of his motioned towards the window right beside where he slept.

He did not hang up any curtains to close his windows for privacy, as he would just often open those windows anyways. Henceforth, he could see the small droplets of rain latching onto his tinted windows. And as per usual habit, he opened the window, letting the cold morning air and the smell of petrichor clash upon his face in an instant.

The sound of his hum was one of the few things heard now, alongside the sound of the low howl of the winds, as he said, "Nothing but the calming smell of rain." Though his cheery-like voice contrasted to the drained eyes of his, yet it seemed like that wide smile of his eradicated the look his eyes held immediately. He took a slow breath in and let it out in a other slow exhale.

As he stood up from his bed, he walked towards the bathroom located in his room and took a quick shower. Combing his wet hair was indeed something he did once he finished washing, and he came out the bathroom that he somewhat owns with only a pair of maroon trousers as his attire, with his towel hanged on one of his bare shoulders.

His tall stature walked along the room towards his wardrobe as he grabbed a random shirt and took the blue and white scarf that he had wore since... quite the long time, to pair with that random shirt he had just took, which was apparently a white and grey flannel.

It didn't take long for Netherlands-or rather Neth as his friends and family often called him-to wear that flannel and scarf, and he soon exited the room of his to go downstairs.

There, he was greeted by his (somehow) adoptive father, the Organisationhuman of EU himself, who asked, "Neth, the usual, hm?" The question was half-rhetorical, and the man on the other side knew that.

Neth merely laughed it off as he walked outside the house to take a look of the plants in the backyard, specifically his beloved tulips that he took care of with immense love. He bent down to take a closer look at the watered flora that he owned, carressing some of the tulips he passed by, as he grinned in happiness widely.

The Kingdom altered his gaze to the mountain range as he could only wonder, 'What could go wrong in such a beautiful day?'

Too bad he didn't read enough fanfictions, because if he did, he wouldn't have said nor have that thought in the first place. But it seems like the only Personification here who reads those kinds of things is that one country in Asia, which was Japan.

And it appears that this is also the perfect time to look over our other protagonist, one of the two beloved sunshines of the ASEAN fam, Indonesia. Don't ask why he's a sunshine, because the Indonesian part of the fandom demands so, and you do know how much influence popular fanon has with the minds of the uncreative minors now, don't you?

With that being said, Indonesia had been off from the comfort of the unjudging bed ever since four o'clock in the morning. And he, well as the usual, was the one to start the chaotic morning in the mansion, alongside his two close friends and adopted siblings, Malaysia and Philippines.

"IndOnEsIA-" The short man could hear the cracked yelling of probably the most mature member of the ASEAN family, Singapore, as he only giggled in mischief as he simply ignored the (even though he's one of the micronations, somehow) taller Countryhuman as he ran past him, with Malaysia and Philippines trailing behind him. "I swear, please, just this one morning, can I get a calm start?!" He yelled in annoyance, as the trio-also known as the MaPhilIndo, but people forgot that that is an actual confederation before Indonesia decided to say "Hey, I don't like the formation of Malaysia, that's just UK making a puppet state there", and the Konfrontasi/Ganyang happened afterwards-merely snickered.

ASEAN, their (again, somehow) adopted father, only tapped Singapore's shoulder and shook his head at him, signifying that he should just let them be. Singapore wanted to protest due to this, but ASEAN beat him to it as he said, "Singa, this is Indo's first day of going into high school since he's been homeschooled years ago. I'll let you scold them, but not today."

Singa merely scoffed and opened his mouth, "Seriously? What if Indo gets late in his first day of school?" He asked his adopted father, an old friend of his father, the Sultanate of Malacca (even though ASEAN was formed more than a century after the Sultanate fell), a pretty crucial question, and only received a sincere smile from the man in his late-twenties. Singa only sighed after he got that.

Singa really doesn't get why ASEAN is so confident with Indonesia not getting suspended for the first day of his high school. It was peculiar, really, on how Indonesia was found and adopted last in the family even though he was one of the founding members of ASEAN. And the fact that he's actually the oldest among the members here... well at least he smells like flowers.

Singa couldn't help but to just pinch the bridge of his nose and furrowed his eyebrows thinking about the possibilities on what would happen in this day.

Of course something terrible, Netherlands has foretold it because he thought about whAt cOUld gO wrOng-


Happy new years :D

Will I regret this? maybe. And yeah, I have two different writing styles, so you have the unreliable narrator who often just puts in references to other stories and jokes here and there. Also, short chapter of roughly 1000 words because that's what normally happens in ship-books, right?

Oh yeah, expect some pretty popular and side ships, most quite controversial. Believe me when I say I don't care what you ship, as long as it's historically accurate, I will have no bad feelings against it. Be grateful that I am not writing Indo Harem nor the Sunshine Harem, at all, because I will use the heavily used tropes in both the English and the Indonesian side of the fandom.

Ah, and every three chapters, I'm going to publish a special in where I write Personify!Indonesia and Personify!Netherlands' reaction to whatever the hell they're written into in this book, so...

Cover Art was drawn by sora_ouchi in Instagram btw.

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