02 | Foggy Atmosphere

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So, here Indo stood, currently observing the school he would attend 'till graduation in enthusiasm, grinning widely as he saw Malaysia and Philippines who also stood beside him, standing in the middle of the school under the hot summer (it's technically winter but who cares about logic) heat. Well, didn't feel so hot because of the fog that crept through the school.

Because he's late to enter the classes even if the bell had rang long before, until they got scolded and faced punishment by the not-so-beloved NATO.

Don't worry, the Author is just casually wondering why these Personifications can be high school students... with some exceptions, like how UK and France aren't. Simply due to the reality that the two are somehow Canada, US America, Australia, and New Zealand's parents in that order from oldest to youngest. Funny because how in the world is New Zealand France's son even though France never colonised him. And where were UK's other colonies? In this logic, then Indo should be Neth's son, and NetherNesia would be a very weird incest relationship. So is SpaPhil, because... obvious reasons.

Whatever, it doesn't make any sense. Anyways, the MaPhilIndo gang's sweat could be seen trickling down their bodies, most seen in their faces. Yet Indo's scent was still smelt. It took a while until the muscular and tall figure of NATO was seen coming towards their direction, until he finally stopped his steps in front of the three and squinted his eyes at the short red-haired and white-bodied Countryhuman in the left.

"You're new, right?" The man spoke with his unsurprisingly deep voice. The huge muscles in this tall blue-eyed man's body might even strike you that he isn't natty, but he is because even though he's only been training for a mere 3 years, it doesn't matter because of Countryhumans Logic, yes?

"Yep, first day!" Indo replied jovially, earning a scoff from NATO.

"First day and you're already here? And with those two troublemakers too. Well, I suppose we have a new troublemaker in school." He paused, as he looked slightly upwards straight to the sun, still not on their peak. "Their" because Planethumans (and Starhumans I guess) exist, but the Earthly Personifications don't know, shhh... Anyways, "Fine, you three may go." He finished, as the three nodded quickly and ran to the entrance while laughing loudly.

The three kept running as they encountered stairs, as Indo winced. Yknow what, a bit of exercise wouldn't hurt.

Skipping over to Neth, here we find him learning history with UNESCO, paying attention towards the chalkboard, showing quite the detailed explanation about important things that happened in Europe. Because normally these stories don't specify what they're learning other than the general subject, then I'm not elaborating. Probably something from the 20th Century, because anything before that is not important... somehow.

As UNESCO kept explaining, Neth peered outside the windows to realise that those three students who were punished under the sun there was not in their position now. It seems that they were now allowed to their classes? It seemed as such for him.

With that being said, Neth's focus went back to the green board and continued on writing those shit in his notebook. But he lived through it, so it's a bit weird as to why he needs to learn about it as if he never knew of those things, but he's a high school student what do you expect.

Because Neth is pretty boring now, we're going back to Indo. Press L in the chat for Neth 💀

So, Indo entered his classroom with a bang, destroying the poor door in the process. He got a stare from apparently the math teacher, EU, and the yardstick he owned was hit loudly upon the table, a vein popping out with his angry expression, and the three hurried to their chairs. Indo sat beside North Korea, the only seat empty.

"As I said previously, before I was interrupted..." He glared at Indo and his two adopted siblings. "Open your book, page 81-145. Do all the questions provided there in a sheet of paper, and give them to me 10 minutes before the bell rings for break." A row of complains were heard from all the students bar Singa and Brunei, because those two are nerds and like these things.

Time skip because that is what normally happens, I'm being annoying on purpose ahHjwHhaJhqjdbfkbfksbf, fuck those children, I hate how they ruined these genocidal maniacs into UwU cinnamon rolls >:(

The papers were now on EU's table, as with his red pen, he started to correct whatever the fuck those students of his wrote on the paper previously without sin now littered with black scribbles of mathematics. He couldn't help but to just wince and furrow his brows as he looked at the MaPhilIndo's paper. They were all so... weird. Why did they doodle most of the paper and gave the answers as "dunno", "why ask", and "don't be nosy".

His yellow eyes showed disappointment, as he gave each paper to each student who owns it, and sat back to his comfy chair as he sighed.

"Lowest are Malaysia, Philippines, and Indonesia. I'd rather not say their scores." He halted, pinching the bridge of his nose and wrinkles showed on his face. "Well at least Singapore got a 97."

Just as he finished, the bell rang, signifying break time, and the students rushed out to the cafetaria immediatly, right after EU disappeared a few seconds after the bell had rang.

Certainly a great start for a disaster, isn't it?


Ayy, rushed this because I hate how basic the English lessons are here :"D

So... Indo will meet Neth soon, don't worry. And uh, please comment what other popular tropes I missed. I'll write "depressed" America and heavy drinker Russia, UwU soft flower... haven't decided Ukraine gender here and Yandere Canada, anime kawaii Japan and K-Pop SK, pervert Spain, and... idk I forgor.

Also, I think kids need to know that J*p is a slur for the Japanese. That's what the Allies called the Japanese in WW2. And uh, yesh update is once a week. Not spell checked because why.

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