Chapter Twelve

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The pilot reacted quickly to the missle. The missle was an eight metre Iraq missle, completly dark green.

"GET A PARACHUTE!!" the pilot yelled. He threw me a parachute, and without hesitation, I put it on.

The plane was going down fast. I felt my ears pop even more severly than when we took off. I realized there was only two parachutes, and the second one was destroyed. The pilot had saved my life. His look was desperate, but he knew what he had to do. I hesitated before jumping.

"Go.." he muttered weakly, like in the movies.

I hesitated again, and the pilot managed to shove me off the plane. I uttered a cry as I fell into the endless desert.

I quickly opened my parachute without looking at the plane above, with the dying pilot.



A missle nearly missed me , and I saw it explode onto the desert ground.

I floated into the air, looking down the endless desert. I was landing. I was nearing closer and closer to the desert ground.

Then I saw a tree in the distance. A palm tree.

I was heading straight to a beach.

I noticed more palm trees. I looked right, and saw a jungle. The horrible jungle.

Still, I could survive there. It as better than the endless desert.

Looking back, I knew I had crazy thoughts at the time.

I landed right on the shore, rolled over, and coughed out some sand.

I had two options. The jungle or the beach.

Without hesitation, I chose the jungle.

Robin SurréalWhere stories live. Discover now