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"Thank you guys for coming." The man at the door gives us a goodbye with a smile as we exit the restaurant. It's dark outside and some time past eleven. I don't pay much attention to the time. The silence between us became prevalent, both of us trying to find the right words. Or the right way to say goodbye.

We stare at one another, so many things left unsaid that linger in the air. The window blogs past us making our hair get in both of our faces. I tuck my hair behind me waiting for one of us to break the silence.

"Can I give you a ride home?" I inhale and take a second to think about the answer. I instantly think about Sage and what she would think. I force myself to push her out of my mind. She's not my girlfriend. Doesn't automatically make getting in my car with Ivy a good idea though. I want to say no on instinct but I'd rather not pay 30$ for an Uber home. Plus it's nighttime in New York so it's probably more high priced right now.

"It's fine if you don't want to I was just-"

"No, I do, yes... yeaI would like a ride. It would be nice."

"Okay, I parked over there." she turns her head in the direction of a navy blue Tesla. My eyebrows raise simply wondering how she was able to afford that. Then I realized I didn't know her as well as I used to anymore. Well, as well as I thought I knew her.

I follow closely behind her as she guides us across the street. To my surprise, she follows me over to the passenger side and opens the door. "Thanks" I give her a small smile as I get in my seat and she closes the door for me. She's never really been the "masculine" type of lesbian so I'm not sure where it's coming from, but it's greatly appreciated. My anxiety heightens as I realize I'm alone in a car with her. I don't think she'd ever hurt me or do anything crazy but it feels so... familiar.

Not the being in the car together, but being so close to her in a secluded space. I'm not sure how I exactly feel but it's neither good nor bad.

"Okay..." she sighs as she gets in the car and puts her seatbelt on. Being in a car like this makes me miss mine. I hate spending money on Ubers, hopefully my
Mom comes to her senses and gives me my car back.

The interior is white and everything looks so so smooth and crips. Like it's brand new. My eyes move to the screen where a regular radio would be. It's crisp and clean as if the car has never been driven.

She starts the car and immediately blue lights highlight the outlines of the car. She presses the maps icon on the screens of the Tesla and without fail she types in my address perfectly. I'm not sure how I feel about her still having my address memorized. She was at my place quite a lot so that's probably why.

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