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I feel so pathetic. I tell myself I don't want to be with her then I get upset when she doesn't text or call or even acknowledge that we're not in good graces right now. I feel so insatiable. I miss her but I refuse to apologize for genuinely getting to want to know her, but I'm not perfect either. We should've just tabled the conversation and come back to it like she said. I was just way too worked up to even think about anything else. Her bringing up Ivy was unexpected but not entirely unprovoked.

I would be upset too if a random girl I didn't know was commenting lovey-dovey shit under her posts. Even if we weren't dating we were something and I didn't appreciate her basically calling me easy. I know that's not what she meant but that's how it came out and that's how I took it. I wonder if she stopped calling and sending messages because she's actually done. Maybe she took my hints and just... doesn't want me anymore.

I sigh, making me snap out of my thoughts. "What are you thinking about?" I look up from my ice cream cup to Abel. We're sitting in a booth at a new bakery near his house. We were at his house earlier and decided to take a walk. It's big and seems corporation owned but it's actually a family business.

"What do you think?" He huffs at my reply and let's put a small laugh. Not a "that's funny" laugh but a "I know exactly what you're thinking about" laugh. She scoops up a spoon of his Mint Chocolate chip ice cream and places it in his mouth. When he swallows it he begins to speak.

"I think everything with you guys will be fine. Don't think about it too much."

"She stopped texting and calling a little while ago. She's not coming back. I pushed too hard."

His head moves to the side with a shift of disbelief on his face. "Listen I love you, a lot, and I love her a lot too. Both of you were wrong. She was wrong for what she said, and you were wrong for your reaction to her asking you a simple question-"

"How am I wrong?-"

"Because! She asked you about your ex which you never informed her about and you took that as an attack. She saw flirty comments under your posts and got insecure. She just wanted to know you were for her and you took that as a means to bring up a whole other situation which led to the fallout. I'm not saying she didn't do anything wrong and I'm not saying you were to blame for all. I just think you guys should talk and make out or whatever."

"But when you guys do makeup and make out I want a front-row seat." I kick him under the table making him laugh and wince in pain.

"Don't be gross"

"Gross in my middle name"

"Yeah, I can tell. You eat toothpaste-flavored ice cream" he drops his spoon and I laugh at my joke like it's the funniest thing in the world. My laughing extends for a good thirty seconds and people in the store begin to look our way.

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