they're kids...

173 6 3

tw: mentions of grooming

This user is @ reghieshorcrux

This interaction happened several months ago, but I finally gained confidence and a platform to share these very odd and problematic comments.

For context, these comments were on Philophobia, where Regulus and Ophelia first meet age age 10 or 11.

Here's a pic from the story, and the line that's highlighted in green is the one that this comment is about.

As you can see, there are a bunch of comments on that line with very mixed reactions

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As you can see, there are a bunch of comments on that line with very mixed reactions.

The interaction in the book is completely platonic and happens between two children. Some people don't notice and comment thirsty things as jokes.

I reply to all these comments with a reminder of the ages, and most people admit they hadn't realized it.

When I comment "just a reminder, they're just 10 or 11 years old here!", and others reply with something like "oh nvm! I hadn't realized that!" or "omg whoops sorry!", I have no problem. I know they may have grazed over parts of the story, and now that they know and take back the comment made with different context. I tell them it's no problem, and I hope they like the book.

But there was a particular interaction a few months ago where someone commented a thirsty joke (something like 'maybe in a few years babe ;)...), and I replied with my usual reminder.

(The user has since blocked me, so I cannot access the original comment thread, but I took a screenshot of the notifications)

(The user has since blocked me, so I cannot access the original comment thread, but I took a screenshot of the notifications)

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The defended their initial comment, saying they clarified they meant in a few years. I told them that it's still not okay and it actually made me uncomfortable.

They held up their shield and said that because they're not an adult, it's totally fine.

I replied one more time, saying it's a gross comment and it makes myself and others uncomfortable.

They kept defending themselves and their original comment, then proceeded to block me.

I tried to educate them on the fact that their words were very groomer-like, and they were unappreciated. They defended themself and blocked me.

This is not how you should interact with people who are being reasonable and trying to help. I never insulted them or swore, I only tried to point out why the comment was problematic and weird.

I understand that they are young, I hope this user has educated themself.

To all my readers who this may have made uncomfortable (specifically for those who have had it happen to them), I am truly so sorry. If you ever want to talk, send me a message and I'll be there.

I hope you're healing.

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