genocide fan

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tw: talks of genocide and nazis, also spoilers for Philophobia if you care about that

So I'm bringing this series back because of a recent interaction in the comment section of Philophobia.

Of course, the majority of the interactions I have with readers are incredibly positive and leave me feeling nothing but happy, but there are always some outliers.

I apologize in advance for the formatting of this one, the user blocked me so I can't access the comment thread; I can only see from the notif bar.

Anyways, here's the interaction in question with user @ Lma2468:

It started when they left the following comment under a chapter of Philophobia where the main character is approached by death eaters to join them. (I'll let it be known that death eaters are based off of nazis and have very similar philosophies and ways of thinking/acting)

 (I'll let it be known that death eaters are based off of nazis and have very similar philosophies and ways of thinking/acting)

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I responded in sort of a joking manner because obviously the situation hadn't escalated yet. I said something like "really? all death eaters? what about Peter, or Draco, or Snape??"

Below is the reply (it was cut off bc of the notif bar, and I don't remember what exactly the rest said, but I think it was something like "there was something seriously wrong with Lily to not to accept his offers")

Below is the reply (it was cut off bc of the notif bar, and I don't remember what exactly the rest said, but I think it was something like "there was something seriously wrong with Lily to not to accept his offers")

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I found that a lil weird (esp the last part), so I checked their account. They seemed very young and like they didn't really understand certain things, plus they have a black phone pfp lmao.

They just remind me of the same people who simp for real life serial killers and read smut that's legit rape, but this is a whole tangent I can go on and won't for the sake of staying on topic.

Anyways, I replied saying like "lol I should have guessed that would be your answer based on your profile" and "also death eaters are legit magic nazis and so I'll just say in advance that she doesn't join them."

This was their response below.

I said "she'd still be supporting the death eaters if she was a nurse

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I said "she'd still be supporting the death eaters if she was a nurse."

Here's their reply:

Here's their reply:

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I disagree. I said that if you're helping a group that is actively committing genocide, you're part of the problem since you're keeping them alive and going. I used an analogy of being a nurse helping heal nazis in world war 2 so they could get up and keep going.

I also said the user I was arguing with seems like they were defending genocide and the people associated with it tbh.

This was where the interaction escalated the most.

Looking back "I don't believe in genocide" is some whack wording because it could mean like you don't support it, but also that you don't believe in it in the same way you don't believe in Santa Claus

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Looking back "I don't believe in genocide" is some whack wording because it could mean like you don't support it, but also that you don't believe in it in the same way you don't believe in Santa Claus. I don't really know how I skipped over that, but I also do.

I was laughing at the fact that the user said "people accuse me of being a nazi all the time" with their whole chest and thought that was a good display of their character.

Like for it to happen all the time, that probably means you're not a great person (best case scenario for you tbh).

Also, the way they said "They're fictional so I am allowed to have fun and like them" pissed me off, but I didn't comment on it then so I'll do it now.

- Yes, death eaters and the Harry Potter universe are fiction, that's obvious. HOWEVER, the bigotry behind the fiction shows up repeatedly and actually causes a lot of real life harm.

- Also, to like one specific character who happens to be a death eater is fine. But to wholeheartedly support and defend the entire group the way they do is not just "having fun", it's a scary display of the user's true colours and morals.

But back to the interaction, I ripped on their defense and said "If you get called a nazi all the time, there's probably a reason. Look within, you're probably the problem that's connecting all of these cases."

They replied with the comment below and then blocked me (I don't remember if I got to say like "good riddance, I don't want nazis in my comment section anyways" or not but I defo wanted to)

They replied with the comment below and then blocked me (I don't remember if I got to say like "good riddance, I don't want nazis in my comment section anyways" or not but I defo wanted to)

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So I guess the moral of this whole thing is like 'Don't be a nazi. Genocide is inherently bad and it's useless to spend all of your time defending it, even if it's a fictional reflection of it.'

I don't know, I'm kinda at a loss with this one (clearly, since it made me bring this series back lmao). Again, my memory is fuzzy on it so if you can see the original exchange and want to give me exact quotes I can't see, I'll gladly edit them into this thing.

I really hope that someone can educate the user on why their statements are wrong, but that can't be me lol cus they blocked me instead of listening.

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