a nasty bully

70 7 9

tw: bullying, just all kinds of hate and name calling

the user that is the topic of this chapter is @/moneykisskiss

It all started when one account unfollowed her, and she promptly dove to their message board asking the reason for the unfollow (none of your business anyway) and called this other user fat.

The unfollower (@ / urownwhore) was confused and thought moneykisskiss was just playing around because that was not a normal interaction at all and so she tried to play along by posting #0followers on moneykisskiss' message board because lol how is your account 2 years old and you have no followers?

But moneykisskiss did not find that funny at all, so immediately after, she started slinging insults and hateful comments at the user in question. 

Here are the screenshots of what happened (apologies for the format, they were sent to me as I couldn't get them myself): 

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This is such weirdo behaviour on moneykisskiss' part, like she's just relentlessly bullying people for absolutely no reason

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This is such weirdo behaviour on moneykisskiss' part, like she's just relentlessly bullying people for absolutely no reason. 

Do not be this kind of person ever, online or in real life. Please block this person and/or help spread awareness to take her and her nonsense off of this app. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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