nasty jokes

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tw: pedophilia, sexual comments (about a child in my book), swearing in the comment

I really thought I wasn't going to have to deal with any more gross comments under ~that one line~ in Philophobia that I've posted about several times here.

Well, it happened again.

For anyone who doesn't know which line I'm referring to, don't worry, I'll catch you up here: In my book Philophobia, the story opens with the two main characters meeting at age 10. They are in Regulus Black's house, and they are sparking a friendship. Regulus asks Ophelia if she wants to come up to his room so they can chat and get to know each other.

People sometimes read the line "Would you like to go up to my room?" and find their minds overtaken by sexual thoughts they want to share in the comment section.

As usual, I'll add that I am absolutely okay with people commenting something sexual or with sexual undertones, AS LONG AS they correct themselves when i remind them that the characters are young children in the first chapters.

The problem arises when some people feel the need to double down after I point out the age of the characters.

Here is the latest example of someone doing just that:

Side note 1: I hate the Wattpad update that makes it so comments have to be read from the bottom up instead of how reading normally works

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Side note 1: I hate the Wattpad update that makes it so comments have to be read from the bottom up instead of how reading normally works.

Side note 2: I find it so funny that the person corrected the way that spelt 'dick' instead of correcting the actual important issues with their comments.

Okay, onto actual commentary. What happened was they commented they wanted to get railed by Regulus in the book, I reminded them that he is 10 years old in this chapter, and they doubled down asking who gives a shit and saying that it's their birthday so they deserve dick from a child. After that, I really called out their comments, saying that's not okay at all and I would not like to see them in my comment section ever again.

I hate that this is a controversial idea, but I believe that even if it's in fiction, it is absolutely disgusting to think/talk about literal children like that.

The next day, I saw the words 'I'm sorry' in my notifications and had hope, but the 'apology' was really underwhelming and disappointing.

I am so tired of apologies along the lines of "I'm sorry YOU FEEL THIS WAY" or "I'm sorry THAT'S HOW YOU TOOK IT"

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I am so tired of apologies along the lines of "I'm sorry YOU FEEL THIS WAY" or "I'm sorry THAT'S HOW YOU TOOK IT". Those aren't apologies, it's just you feeling upset that people called you out.

So of course, I told them that the apology was not real at all and even if you meant it as a joke, it's not okay. Jokes are meant to be funny, and saying you want to have sex with a child is not funny. I can't think of a single healthy person who would find that funny or take it in any other way than concerning.

I just wanted to post this here because hopefully I'm promoting people thinking before they post at all, and especially before you post something like that.

It seems as though comments have gotten less gross since I started this little collection, so that's a good thing (I hope it's correlated). Hopefully, I won't have to come back here, but I know realistically there are always creepy people on here, so I might be back.

If you want to send me any gross experiences you've had on here, I'll post it and hopefully make some sort of difference here.

Thanks for reading, bye for now y'all.

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