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Warning: sexy sexy sex, SUPER BRIEF mentions of alcohol. i think thats it??
summary: based on a prompt??? this is like a month in the making so i am very sorry anon very sorry indeed. also no morning smut sorrrry!!! but very hot buttsecks, very hot indeed
genre: smooty floof
word count: 1931, hahahaahHAHAH

I don't really know when I realised what happened. In some ways, I think I knew it before I even opened my eyes. It was just this nagging feeling in my chest that told me something was up. I knew I had sex - you always know you when you had sex. I knew it was good - you always know when it was good. My mouth was dry, I was completely naked, my thighs were kind of sore, and there was a dull ache in my lower abdomen and I knew, I knew that when I opened my eyes I would be surprised.

I blinked once, disoriented. A ray of sunlight shone through a gap in the curtains, but it definitely wasn't enough light to see my surroundings. I rolled over and flicked the lamp on. I was in my room, so that was great. Slight hangover headache, but it was bearable. I blinked a few more times, my eyes adjusting to the lighting. Beer bottles on the floor, my entire outfit, shirt, trousers, everything was strewn throughout the room. Besides my clothes, there was... No, it couldn't be. Dan's shirt? Dan's trousers? Dan's shoes and socks and everything. Oh fuck no. I slowly turned my head to the left. A lump under the blanket was all I could see. I didn't want to, but I had to. I just had to.
"Truth!" Dan shouted, lying on Phil's lap, a goofy smile plastered on his face. He took a swig of beer, some of it spilling onto his clothes. At this point, he didn't really care. Phil pondered for a while, then finally decided. "Fine. Did you ever have any feelings for me? S-since when we met first met at the... um. The track? The - THE TRAIN. The train station."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Dan laughed, sitting upright, staring straight into Phil's eyes. "Obviously. Duh. You're fucking hot!" he slurred, his face dangerously close to Phil's. "Really?" Phil slurred back.

"Fuck yeah! For like... like now. Like till now. No, but, yeah," Dan said back, turning into a more emotional drunk. "For realz?" Phil asked once more. Dan nodded furiously. "Why didn't you say anything, you lump?" Phil asked. Dan opened his mouth, probably to say some kind of drunken snarky retort, but Phil practically leapt forward and latched his lips to Dan's. It was sloppy, and there was a laughable amount of teeth, but Dan couldn't have been more happy. A few minutes later, kissing had turned into full on making-out, including Dan straddling Phil and attempted dry humping, so once they both remembered the existence of a bedroom, they knew where this was going.

"I top," Phil mumbled into Dan's mouth as they both stood up. His voice was low and husky and made Dan's eyes roll back into his head. "Fine by me," Dan replied, his voice suspiciously high-pitched and giggly.
I pulled the sheets down. "No way," I exclaimed to myself. It was Dan. It was Daniel Howell, my best friend and roommate and partner in crime. "Fuck fuck fucking fuck me in the ass," I said at a normal volume, which was apparently enough to wake up sleepy Danny next to me.

"What in this universe are you doing?" Dan said sleepily, attempting to cover himself up to no avail. "Wait, what happened last night?"
Phil kissed Dan passionately, pinning him to the bed easily. Moans echoed freely through the room. Dan reached forward and grasped Phil in his fist, and Phil stopped kissing Dan and looked down, breathing heavily. "Second drawer from the top," Dan muttered as he tore off Phil's boxers, the only clothing he had left. Phil rolled away momentarily to retrieve whatever was in the drawer; lube and condoms, hidden sneakily under some magazines. Dan proceeded to take off his own boxers.

"How do you want me?" Dan asked. Phil smirked at him. "Seriously. On my stomach, or my hands and knees?"

"I want to see your face when I fuck you," Phil asked, looking so dishevelled and sexy Dan shuddered.
"I think we had sex," was my timid reply. Dan looked around, and saw the mess the room was in. This was when he became aware of the fact that we were both naked, and began to blush. "Wait, so... what, wait, what?"

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