The Encounter Chp1:

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     "I didn't know anyone lived here." She stared as though she hasn't met any other person in years. Looking at him, he noticed her eyes changed. Looking less animal like. Slowly but surely watching the humanity seep back into them.

     From the trees, it looked like she was waking from a long tempting dream. She looked at the boy in a new light, and slowly got up from behind the leaves.

     Her eyes were a ferocious green, hair a dull light brown , cut short and disheveled.

     After 2 seconds of staring, an orange cat popped up to her side. It pounced into the boys arms and sniffed in curiosity. As if giving it's approval, the cat calmly jumped out of his arms and into the girls.

     The whole time this was happening, the boy stared at her in awe. Never had he met a girl like her before. All the ones he met, would seem to want nothing to do with him. So, he began to find that normal. Others began to find him odd, since he wouldn't speak to anyone. No one would approach him.

     She broke him out of his trance as her green eyes pierced into his brown ones. Surprising him even more, when she gave him a warm smile, as if it was her greeting.

     Feeling rude, the boy bowed and introduced himself," M-my name is M-morgan, or you can call me More (sounds like Mori from OHHC) I don't really care, a-any way what's your name?", the boy stammered, seizing this rare opportunity of talking to a person.

     When he looked up at her, unbowing, the cat and girls eyes were wide, looking a bit astonished, seeing that someone can talk so much.
"Eh.. I'm sorry, did I frighten you? Did I-", the girl cut him short when she tossed the cat at him. Because it was so sudden, and a hope for the cats health, both victims fell with a thud.

     To her satisfaction, the girl giggled. Instead of being hurt, Morgan laughed along with her.

     Before trying to get up, she walked over and smiled with her hand outstretched. He beamed up at her, taking her hand, grateful to make his first friend.

~ That's the first chapter guys! I hope you like it! And seriously feedback is very much welcomed! See how Morgan and this mysterious girl work out, in the next chapter!
Arigato! YoruichiFairy

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