Past selves Chp6:

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Please bare with this Chp guys. It turns out I typed it all out first, but it got deleted T^T. All of that hard work, sadly had to be replaced with what I could remember, and then some. So, this Chp is gonna be full of stuff! I hope you all like it anyway! Arigato!

Other Linei's P.O.V

     Morgan fell unconscious just now. That's probably for the best, I believe it's best that he doesn't see her in this form. The monster sprinted to me, to quick for the human eye, but normal in my vision. I dodge easily. Using my wings, one quick gesture rises me above the beast. I somersault forward, earning it a kick at the base of its spine.

     It turns around as though it's laughing at me. It turns swiftly and swip it's claws at me, sending me soaring. I was unharmed because of my feathers, but I can't say the same for the surrounding flowers.

     I uncurl from my wings, to meet with the face of the beast. Before it could do anything, I uppercut it off of me, fluttered and kicked it in the face. Another swipe and easy dodge. It's toying with me. It's not fighting at its best, but neither am I, that's fair.

     We stare at each other. Two pairs of crimson eyes piercing into the others soul. It starts again with another rock grinding growl. Taking advantage of the moment, it headbutt me, forming a nice bruise on my nose. Catching me off guard, it started a fast series of jabs towards my essential organs. Nicking me on the shoulder, right abdomen, and left arm.

     Getting with its pattern, I dodge it more easily, I skid down under the beast. Through great strength granted, I gripped on its midnight tail, pulling upward. With a grunt, I throw the thing into the clouds. I threw my heavy feathers to the Earth, gaining speed on the still rising creature. Once I passed it, I fall downwards. "Let's end this!"I scream after it.

     I punched him down down to where I thrown him in the first place, away from Morgan. Rocks flew from our landing place. I, obviously unharmed, will finish the job. This thing is going to pay for what it did to Morgan, and it won't take long too. I raise my fist, and collide it with the monsters hound like snout. One, two, just one more and my revenge will be complete.

     But before I could, a great wind of light came around us. "W-what is this?!" I said, then vanish.
Linei's P.O.V

      I was finally back in my real body, on top of the monster fist raised. In the distance, I see More painfully sit up, eye covered, look for me and stagger in our direction. "More!" "Linei!" I ran into a warm embrace, glad I could feel safe again.

     "Why have you spared the beast?" a voice from behind asked. Both looking up, we the transparent other me. "You can't just go around killing people." I said, More adding "Yeah, and besides Linei knew that thing." Before any of us could say anything, the orange cat jumped from behind the bushes, walking up to us. "While those things are true, it's time we come to the matter at hand." The cat replied. More and I reacted the only way we knew how. "You can talk!?" we said in unison. "My, my aren't you quite the perceptive ones, and are rather noisy. Hello Ribbons, have you introduced yourself yet?" the cat spoke cool and calm, giving the facade that he knew things we did not. Wow, I really need to give that cat a name.

     "Why, your still as bossy as ever aren't you cat?" The other me folded her arms and spoke teasingly. "Why, your as spirited as ever, Ribi, but if you don't give answers I shall." The cat retorted childishly. "Well, the cat calls me Ribbons, giving me the nick name Ribi, that's me. But, the reason you and I are here Lin-ei, is because we were banished here."

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