Chapter 1: So basically Guilty Gear is...

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(A/n)" I can't hold it back anymore. I must make the milf grimussy be breedable")


team RWBY were just finished on a mission and ready to head back to Beacon

Ruby"nice one guys! Another mission well done!"

Yang"I'm surprised these Grimm put up more of a fight than the rest"

Blake"anyways we should head back now. It's getting pretty late"

Weiss"right then, let's go"

As the four girls started leaving they felt a terrifying feeling of dread and death behind them as they turned around to see Salem behind them

Ruby"h-huh!? Wh-who is th-that!? And why does she feel so terrifying!?"

Yang"I can't move... What is this feeling..!?"

Blake"she's definitely way out of our league... We need to get out of here!"

Salem"you aren't going anywhere"

Soon massive hordes of Grimm surrounded team RWBY seeing that they can't get out of the situation no matter what

Weiss"we're cornered!"

Salem"you four are too much of a nuisance to me. I'll kill you all before you can do anything harmful in the future"

Salem lifts her hand up ready to kill them off here and now but a huge magic circle appeared under them

Salem"what the!?"


Yang"what's happening!?"

Blake"we're getting absorbed into the circle!"

Weiss"is this the end!?"

All five girls fell into the glowing magic circle before it vanished leaving nothing but the hordes of Grimm, but soon one by one all the Grimm started vanishing from existence


A young man in his room sat on his chair in front of his computer finishing typing his essay

(Y/n)"god that was annoying..."

I rubbed his hand over his face showing he had bags under his eyes and looked tired before yawning

(Y/n)"that should do it for tonight. Right Kokonoe?"

His cat laying on his bed gave him a small meow in response as he got up and stretched

(Y/n)"I need something to drink"

He walked out of his room and headed downstairs to grab a glass of water checking the clock in his kitchen

(Y/n)" 11:00pm? Man I've been going at that essay for too long, I need to sleep"

As he made his way out of the kitchen with the glass of water the lights in his house started flickering as well as the TV he left on making him panic a bit

(Y/n)"holy shit it's guilty gear all over again! The end of technology has come! I NEED TO STOP FREDERICK FROM MAKING THE GEAR CELL!!!"

his panic stopped as everything flickered back on

(Y/n)"ah, nevermind false alarm"



team RWBY and Salem then proceeded to fall out of a black hole from his ceiling and onto his living room floor

(Y/n)". . . .god I need to stop staying up late, now there's cosplayers in my house"

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