Chapter 11: Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me ice princess

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In the middle of the night Salem and (Y/n) were holding each other as usual before another tremor hit- making the two fall off the bed



After two minutes it settled down making the two get back up tired

(Y/n)"man, these things are getting way out of hand"

Salem"I think the stress is making my hair white"

(Y/n) looked at Salem's hair and her now red eyes

(Y/n)"nope, that's just you becoming sexier"

Salem"you make it so tempting to just have you force me onto the bed and slam your massive-"

Another tremor hit interrupting Salem as and a loud thud from the room next to (Y/n)'s

Ruby"-muffled- I CAN'T SLEEP LIKE THIS!!!"

Salem"I'm starting to get more worried"


Salem"that someone that I command over might be sent here and start causing mischief"

Salem then shivered a bit with a cringe look on her face

Salem"especially Tyrian"

(Y/n)"I'm sure things won't end up that bad"

The next morning all of them groggily went down stairs and sat on the couch turning on the news while Salem was pouring some coffee

Yang"you guys get any sleep...?"


Salem finished making the coffee and gave everyone a cup as they watched the news for any updates

News[we're here live with a man who claims he has seen people with animal appendages]

Blake immediately started choking on her coffee as she was now wide awake

Man[y-yeah! Just last night when I was walking home I saw a girl with antlers sticking out of her head walking down the street! And another but it was a guy with horns coming out of his head]

Blake tensed up hearing what the man said grabbing her shorts tightly

Man[the horns were like a rhinoceros! And the guy was massive!]

News[you heard it here everyone. Weird events have been happening more often lately. What could this all mean? Is this possibly the end of the world? Or is it changing?]

The news then went to a commercial break leaving the others confused

Blake"Faunus are starting to come here... That must mean so will the White Fang"

Yang"ugh... Now everything is gonna become a bigger mess"

Weiss"I think we can use our semblances fully now"

Weiss created glyph having full control of it shocking them

Salem"then that must mean semblances have now fully adapted to this world"

Ruby started zipping around the room after hearing this


(Y/n)"hey! No semblances in the house!"

(Y/n) went to grab Ruby but as soon as they touched his hand and Ruby's shirt created a small static before launching the two across the room


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