Chapter 2: Wait This Is Illegal

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the morning sun rose up high as the sound of birds chirping can be heard meanwhile inside (Y/n)'s room he's in bed with a milf pressing herself against him while also hugging him like a koala

(Y/n)"it's morning now.... I better get up"

He slightly moved the blanket to not wake up Salem and started carefully squirming out of her arms but she kept holding him in place

Salem"mmm.... Darling....."

A small blush crept onto his face as he held a deadpan stare. After a bit he got out of her hands and carefully made his way downstairs where he saw Blake already up

(Y/n)"you're up early'

Blake"same for you too"

(Y/n)"well I have my classes to get to"

Blake"still so weird knowing that hunters aren't needed here"

(Y/n)"well it's one of the great kicks to living here. Also you should hide your cat ears, people might you're a highschool girl that obsesses over yaoi fanfics and creates ships between guys that should classified illegal anywhere on this planet. Or so they don't question why you have cat ears"

Blake looked at him a bit dumbfounded


(Y/n)"don't ask me what mha is. Especially the fans of it"

Blake"right. So keep my bow on still?"


He took a peak at the clock seeing he has a bit before his classes start

(Y/n)"welp I gotta go. I'll be back in the afternoon, remember. No use of your weapons at all, don't go out in public with those clothes and do not. And I repeat, DO NOT, touch my Oreo cookies in the pantry"

Blake"got it, we'll watch over your house then"

(Y/n)"good. See ya"

(Y/n) grabbed his bag next to the door and headed out closing the door behind him

Blake"hm. I wonder what he has here"

Blake started to wonder off in the house looking in the fridge, pantries, changing between channels on the T.V., looking at the multiple games he has, his console. Taking a break to pet Kokonoe. Going upstairs to his room ignoring the sleeping Salem in his bed


She thought she was hallucinating but in fact saw Salem sleeping in his bed peacefully

Blake"ok... I'll ask him later about that..."

She looked at the posters in his room and saw a replica of a weapon from a video game in a glass case

Blake"Junkyard Dog MK3. Why does he have this in his room? Looks like something that I'd see in Remnant"

She then noticed a room off to the side connected to his and decided to peak in only to see multiple large bulletin boards inside with a punch of notes, pictures, lines connected pictures and notes as if he was investigating a murder

Blake"what's with all this?"

She noticed a small table to the side next to the door with a notebook on it with the words "BlazBlue lore" on it

Blake"hm, what can this be about?"

One Hour Later

Blake quickly got out the room and closed the door shaking a bit

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