Chapter 5: Act Normal

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Principal"mhmm... I see. Very well, I'll let the girls enroll here"

Mom"thank you, it really means a lot to us"

(Y/n) and his mom stood in front of the principal at his highschool while the girls stood behind the two looking dead tired

Principal"are they caught up to speed with our education system?"

Mom"why of course, they are fast learners"

Yang"when being threatened by a housewife..."

Mom"what was that?"

Yang"n-nothing ma'am!"

In reality (Y/n)'s mom caught all the girls up to speed with the school system and Greek language by pushing them to the limit for the past nights and days. It was absolute hell

Principal"very well then, here are their uniforms and schedules"

She handed Mrs (L/n) their uniforms and schedules for the school before giving her thanks and all of them left

Ruby"I wanna go to sleep...."

Weiss"please no more studying..."

Blake"geia, me léne Blake Belladonna..."

Yang"Blake, we're not studying. You can stop practicing your Greek now"

Blake"voíthise kolláo na miláo étsi"

(Y/n)"wonder how Salem is doing"


Salem"ok Salem. It's all right, he's not going to leave you alone by yourself... Not for thousands of years so don't panic..."

She sat on (Y/n)'s bed and patted her legs a bit trying to distract herself before getting up and going inside his closet and coming back out wearing one of his sweaters before sniffing it

Salem"mmm~ much better~"

The door to the house open making her smile before rushing downstairs and sitting on the couch like she was some dog faunus happily wagging her tail waiting for (Y/n) to come back

(Y/n)"we're back"



Salem"I mean, welcome home"


Before Blake could speak Yang smacked her upside the head making her eyes go blank for a second before going back

Blake"huh? Are we already back?"

Yang"no. Anyways I need sleep"


The four girls went up to their rooms (Y/n) sat on the couch with Salem as she scooted closer to him

Salem"so... Wanna do something together?"

(Y/n)"sure, had anything in mind?"

Salem"staying with one another and giving words of affirmation so that I know you won't leave me for thousands of years causing me to feel no emotions and try getting the chance to kill me off using hundreds of Huntsman and Huntresses because I became a pale terrifying husk of what I use to be"



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