Chapter 4: Faunus Bonding

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(Y/N)'S POV:

I laid on my bed looking at my room ceiling while spinning a pencil between my fingers thinking that I'm gonna be stuck with these girls for a while or more than that

(Y/n)"hmm... If I'm gonna be stuck with these girls, I might as well get to know them better"

I got up from my bed and seeing it was a sunny day out and I got an off day on both school and my job, it's a perfect opportunity to take the girls out. Keeping them inside the house isn't a good idea, hmm... Maybe I should get them enrolled into my high school

(Y/n)"ah, but that would leave Salem all to herself. And leaving her alone seems like a bad idea, I'll just think about that part later"

I put on some casual clothes and walk down stairs where the girls are

(Y/n)"being inside isn't gonna do you gals any good. Come on, we're going to town so you can get use to this world and it's people"

Ruby"finally! I can leave this prison!"

Ruby immediately ran up stairs to get dressed

Yang"sweet! Where we going?"

(Y/n)"to the main town square, you girls can go explore while I get some stuff for the house"

Weiss"what if someone tries to talk to us?"

(Y/n)"then don't mention Remnant or any topics from your world. You've been here for a week, so I'm sure you gals can improvise"

Salem"I've searched up this part of the world, it looks quite beautiful"

(Y/n)"just you wait till you see the monuments. They're absolutely beautiful"

Blake"all right then, lets get going"

Time Skip


As soon as we get to the town square the girls look in awe seeing how different my world is from theirs

Salem"it looks very beautiful here"

(Y/n)"Greece is one of the most beautiful places along with the words itself. With someone of your beauty Salem I'm sure you'll fit in well, hell you would even pass as a Greek goddess"

I felt someone's glare pierce at the back of my head making me turn around to see Blake looking away with her arms crossed

Salem"wh-why thank you. I've never been compared to goddess before in beauty... Especially when I was the Grimm queen"

She blushed and muttered something under her breath but I couldn't hear it

Yang"look at you flirting with older women"

Yang knudged me with her shoulder giving me a wink

(Y/n)"I wasn't trying to flirt"

Ruby"ooh! Yang look! That guy is selling huge cookies!"

Yang"wait, hold on Ruby!"

Ruby ran off with Yang in toll while Weiss started wondering off on her own as well as Salem

(Y/n)"ok then, gotta get some more food"

Blake"I can help with that"

I noticed Blake is still with me for some odd reason

(Y/n)"hm? Wouldn't it be better for you to explore a bit?"

Blake"I have no reason to, and besides I should at least help since you're letting us stay for free and giving us food"

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