chapter 3

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"What do you want dad?" I asked, feeling a surge of rage inside me. How shameless of him to keep calling me.

"I need some money from you. Where are you? "

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. I couldn't help but feel disappointed once again.

What was I expecting him to say anyway? That he was sorry for abandoning us. I took a deep breath, trying to calm the feelings that were threatening to surface. I was at the company. I couldn't risk losing my temper.

"Why can't you leave us alone? I can't meet you, and I don't have money! " I snapped, hanging up immediately. I didn't want to hear what he had to say.

I laughed at myself, I must have forgotten how shameless he could be because he didn't call for some weeks.

I was tired of having to give up my hard-earned money to him. I shouldn't have picked up his call in the first place, and I was sure that he wasn't going to stay quiet about me cutting the call on him. But I didn't care.

Soon it was time to get off work. Ethan wasn't back so I entered his office, closing the blinds before leaving his office. I couldn't help thinking if something happened to him. I was worried. After seeing his reaction to everything that happened today, I knew he was a good boss. I know I shouldn't conclude so quickly, but I couldn't help but feel grateful.

Getting off the elevator, I noticed how some of the workers were preparing on leaving. It was nice knowing that you can leave your workplace early without your boss giving you more work, and if there were more tasks, it usually comes with a bonus. I was really glad that I made it to the company, and being Ethan's secretary comes with more bonus which I needed.

I made my way to the bus stop, checking my phone, the time was 6:25. I decided to sit and wait for the bus. The bus was going to be here in a few minutes.
I thought of getting Josh's favorite fried chicken after I get off the bus.


I raised my head, my eyes moving to meet the same guy I saw at the cafeteria. He was inside his car. I didn't know he owned a car. Thinking of it, J&k was a big company, and it was rare for people like me to work there. I couldn't have gotten the job if not for Luna.

"Hi. " I said back, not wanting to seem rude. Seeing him getting out of his car, I furrow my brows as he made his way to the front of me. He must have seen my frown, because he gave off a friendly smile as if telling me that he meant no harm.

"Mind if I give you a ride?" He asked, now standing in front of me. If he was someone I knew, I would have jumped at the opportunity since it'll save some coins. But he was from the company and I didn't want to associate with people from the company, especially with someone who kept smiling.

"Thanks for the offer, The bus is going to be here soon," I said, hoping that he would know to leave me alone. He smiled, stepping back.

"Okay, if you say so but the offer remains. " he said before turning to enter his car.

"let's be friends! " he said, smiling before driving off.

I wondered if that's how people turn friends these days. That's weird. I was glad he left. He must have noticed I wasn't comfortable around him.

The bus came to a stop in front of me and being the only one waiting for it, I entered inside, and it drove off. I was glad that there weren't many passengers.

After coming to a stop, I made my way to the fried chicken shop. I ordered two takeaways, paying at the counter before leaving the shop. I hoped Josh was home, I always get afraid when he stays out for long. I didn't want him to get into trouble.

I entered our apartment, it wasn't so fancy. But with a little touch here and there, it was good to look at.
This was the only thing my parents left behind and the only thing tying me to my dad.

I sighed in relief seeing Josh's shoes on the foot mat.

"Josh!" I called out, adding my shoes to the ones on the foot mat.
I entered the living room searching for him. I moved closer to the couch, seeing someone familiar sitting on it, engrossed in his phone.The head turned to look at me.

"Hey Mia! Josh is inside."He said smiling.

Liam and Josh go to the same college, so I wasn't surprised to see him here. Only that I wondered when I can get to see Luna . She was on a business trip with her boss. Liam remains me so much of her.

"Know when your darling sister is coming back?" I asked, earning a scoff from Liam.

"Is nice being at home without her you know. "He said, and I couldn't help but laughed. Luna and Liam were so different from I and Josh. They are always fighting.

Josh came out from his room, hands inside his pants. Coming to stand in front of me, he pecked my cheeks before taking the bag of chicken from my hand. He placed it on the table, Liam stood up, towering around the bag. I bet he didn't see me with the bag when I entered inside.

"How was work? Hope you didn't get into trouble. " Josh asked, staring at me as if he was trying to look for something.

"My boss let me off. He didn't say anything. " I replied. He nodded before going to meet Liam.

I sighed staring at his back. He always does that, acting like the older one. I couldn't blame him. He may seem nonchalant and cold, but our bond was stronger than it looks, and he could be troublesome sometimes. That's why I hate the idea of him staying out late. He wasn't a child anymore, he was going to be nineteen this year, but I couldn't help but treat him as one. He is the only one I have.

"You guys should take the chicken! I bought it from your favorite shop. " I said, turning to go to my room.

"What of you?" Josh asked. " You didn't take anything before leaving this morning, and I know you had only the lunch box your company offers today. " I turned to face him.


"I'll prepare something for you. Come out when you are done cleaning up. "He said, going back to what he was doing on his phone. Liam gave me a thumbs up before looking at his phone.

I smiled entering my room. I wasn't going to reject his offer anyway, I was hungry. I only wanted to say that I'd look for something to eat after showering. Placing my phone on my bed, I pulled off my clothes, hissing at the exposure. I couldn't wait for a long bath as I entered the bath.

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