Chapter 15

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Josh packed his books as the bell rang, and the lecturer left the big hall. The hall buzzed with excitement as most of the students were chatty about how to spend their weekend.

Having finished arranging his books inside his bag, he walked out of the hall nodding at some of the guys beside the lockers. He didn't miss the group of girls who decided to fix their gaze on him. Talking about God knows what. He didn't care to know. It wasn't something new. Sometimes they'd ask him directly which he'll refuse, or sometimes they sit at the far corner talking and looking at him shamelessly.

He walked down the hall. Thinking if he should go look for Liam, or go home without the overly extrovert who wants to greet everyone before going home.

"Hey. "

Josh turned to the source of the voice which was directed at him, wondering who it could be. The voice sounds feminine. He wasn't ready to deal with some spoilt brat who didn't know their limit.

He was surprised to see the face staring at him with a huge smile, he didn't miss the shyness which was laced with the smile. He was disgusted not at her but at his supposed mother. He wondered what was her intentions for wanting to talk to him because he was sure that his mother must have asked her to avoid him, seeing the way she wanted him to leave the college for her.

"Hi, hmm. My mom asked me to greet you. "Zoey said when Josh kept staring at her coldly without saying anything.

"I doubt she will." He turned to leave after saying that, but he could hear her following him. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone now. He wondered where his friend is.

"My mom told me about you," Josh rolled his eyes hearing her. He knew she was lying. The selfish woman he knows won't tell her beloved daughter that he was her son.

"Since my mom knows your family, I thought we could be friends. " she continues with excitement, waiting for josh to say something.

Josh scoffed hearing her, not bothering to answer her.
Seeing Liam walking towards him, he waved at him to draw his attention from the students who kept acknowledging him.

Liam gave the aura of a Popular guy

"Hey buddy," Liam said when he got closer to Josh, giving him a side hug. Josh allowed him to do so.

"Hey, " Zoey smiled at Liam when he turned to look at her over josh's shoulder. She was still tailing behind Josh, She wasn't happy that Josh wasn't sparing her a glance.

"Hey. " Liam responded, turning to give Josh a questioning look. Josh shrugged feeling Liam's gaze on him. They walked together towards the college exit.

Zoey stopped at the exit with a sigh. She watched as Josh and Liam walked out of the college premise.

She was hoping Josh would look at her but he didn't, even the guy following Josh didn't spare her a second glance. She didn't know of many people that won't spare her a glance since she was attractive and she was from a rich family.

"You like Josh? I saw you following him, " A girl with long wavy hair said, coming to stand beside Zoey. She was inches taller than Zoey.
Seeing that Zoey didn't say anything, she continues. " You are going to be in a lot of competition. A lot of girls are obsessed with Him. Too bad he is completely cold and closed, he could have made a hot playboy. " She said smiling, not caring if Zoey heard or answered her.

"I don't see him that way. " Zoey finally said, turning to enter the building.

"Yes. That's what you always say. " She sneered, walking inside to catch up with Zoey.

After getting off the bus, I stopped to get Josh's favorite chicken before making my way home. Most people seem to be coming back from their workplace. Some were glancing at the sky, not wanting darkness to meet them outside. I didn't care much, and I was too tired to rush home.

I was glad that tomorrow was weekend. I couldn't wait to have a good sleep.

The company has been busy throughout the week. I had to stay late sometimes trying to finish up my work. I wasn't the type that could work on my bed. My bed was equal to sleep.

As long as the monthly pay was good, I was okay with the late night work, and knowing that the pay always comes with tips was something I always looked up to.

Ethan was a good boss, and being his secretary was peaceful, unlike the bosses I have worked for in the past. They always find me faulty. Some of them had made life a living hell because I didn't agree to sleep with them. As much as I wanted to leave the job, I couldn't. I needed the money.

Having nothing to do, I allowed my mind to wander about on the buzzing evening street, and it went back to Ethan.

'Why was he always staying at the company?' I wondered to myself. He looked lonely sometimes, and he can be playful other times. Always with his smirk.

Getting to the apartment, I took out my keys wanting to open the door. But to my surprise, the door was already opened. I frowned entering the apartment. I couldn't help but feel scared knowing that Josh wasn't home. He'd informed me about going to a friend's house with Liam.

I gasped seeing the messed up apartment. Fear gripped me slowly as I went further. Dropping my bag and phone on the couch, I picked up the pillows and books on the floor and arranged them on the couch before making my way to the kitchen. There was no sign of disturbance in the kitchen.

"How did this happen? " I asked to no one before walking to Josh's room. The bed was scattered, his wardrobe and drawer weren't left out.

"Dad," I said out loud. I couldn't help but felt hatred realizing who did all this. Apart from me and Josh, no one had the key to the apartment except dad. And then it dawns on me.

Ethan's card

I rushed out of Josh's room, taking long strides to my room. I hoped that he didn't take the card as I entered my room. Moving to the nightstand, I opened the drawer, taking out the book inside to search for the card.

But it wasn't inside. The book was empty.

I balled my fist in anger, filled with regret. I shouldn't have dropped the card inside my drawer. Dropping the book on the bed, I stormed out of the room, only stopping to pick up my phone from the couch.

I pressed on the contact named Dad, after everything that happened, he didn't deserve to be called My father. The line got disconnected after a few rings.

Left with no other choice, I decided to look for him. I hope he hasn't done anything to Ethan's card. Not knowing the amount of money inside the credit card was frustrating. I needed to get the card.

And with that in mind, I made my way to the only place I knew I'd find him.

The gambling house.

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