Chapter 18

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Ethan looked through his office glass wall, eyes on Mia and Josh who were outside the company, making their way to the black car in front of them.
A lady came out of the car to hug Mia before they all entered the car. Ethan couldn't see her clearly due to the darkness outside, but he found her familiar, guessing her to be Mia's best friend, luna.

Seeing that the car was no longer in his sight, Ethan turned to his office, sitting on his office chair to dial a number on his phone with a caller Id Ja. The line got connected after the second ring.

"Boss, that man is stubborn."The person snorted in annoyance. " The boys almost knocked him out when he refused to hand over the card. They didn't want to use violence since you warned us against it." Ja said exhaling loudly. There was a ruffles sound coming from the other line which indicate that Ja was outside, walking.

"Ask the boys to keep an eye on him. I don't want him causing trouble for Mia. "

"Yes, yes boss. "  Ja said in a teasing tone, making Ethan smile. "Are you sure you don't want my people to look after Mia?"

"No, I don't want her to be uncomfortable when she finds out she is being watched. " Ethan said with a sigh, pressing on his nose bridge. He was tired after being woken up from his sleep.

"Of course, lover boy. You should ask her out already. I don't think any woman would reject you. "

"Mia is different, " 

"The lady boss has to be different of course."

Ethan heard him chuckle. He shook his head knowing Ja was in a teasing mood.

"Say all you want, I'm off to bed. Get back to your mansion on time." Ethan stood up, heading to his room. He heard Ja mumbled good night before handing up.

Ethan groaned, laying on his stomach. The image of Mia crying flashed in his mind making him sigh, pain clutching his chest. He never wished for Mia to feel pain again, and he was going to make sure of it.

It was one week now after the incident with dad, I stared at myself in the huge mirror checking out my clothes if it was pleasing enough.
The week has been stressful. I couldn't stop feeling awkward with Ethan at the beginning of the week. I guess this is what happened when you avoid anything related to romance for long.

Blame my body for that.

Soon I stopped thinking of it since the company was busy with a lot of work. At the end of the week, Ethan gave everyone three days of vacation unexpectedly. I couldn't be happier.
luna proposed a vacation trip after hearing about my vacation, and the boys agreed to it. Since we usually take turns in planning vacations.

I smiled seeing how I looked good in the blue flare pant with a sleeveless white crop top that stick to my upper body. I wasn't the all-curvy lady but I'd call myself attractive, having the average curve.

Smiling at myself one more time, I picked up my black jacket laying on the bed and then the little suitcase beside the bed before heading out.

"Good morning! " Dropping my bag in the living room, I turned to greet Josh when he came out of the kitchen, sipping from his cup of coffee. He walked toward me, and knowing what he was going to do, I turned my face, letting him kiss my cheeks before he mumbled good morning.

"Are you..." I stopped my words when I spotted his black suitcase close to the door. Seeing my eye movement, Josh glanced at the suitcase before turning to nod at me. I smiled softly at him, taking a sit on the couch. Josh sat on the couch beside mine.

"Luna is on her way. " Josh said when I was about to take out my phone, planning on calling Luna. I smiled nodding my head.

The loud sound of a car horn soon came, making I and josh to stand up with Josh heading to the kitchen, and I took my suitcase and Josh's to head outside.

Sighting me, my bubbly best friend step out of the car, coming to hug me with full excitement written on her face.

"Hey, don't squeeze the hell out of me!" I scolded, trying to free myself. Letting go of me, she scrunched her nose, smiling in a silly way. I shook my head knowing that she was happy.

"I'm so excited for our little vacation Mia! How much I missed this."
I furrowed my brows when she pulled me into a hug again. How much I wanted to hit her head.

"Yeah, yeah. Me too." I said shoving her away. She rolled her eyes.

"I doubt that." She mumbled, taking one of the suitcases. I smiled following her to drop the luggage inside the car.

"Where is Liam?"  I asked when I didn't see Liam.

"He went to visit a friend. I'll pick him up on the way. " She replied, closing the car boot. I nodded turning to look at the house when Josh came out, holding the keys.

"Good morning Josh. I hope you are excited about this?" Luna asked,  excitement laced in her voice.

"Good morning Luna. I'm excited. " Josh said before entering the car.

Not receiving the same energy, Luna scoffed at him.  "Like sister like brother." She mumbled before entering the car. I chuckled, entering the car.

After a few minutes of traveling, I lay my head on the window, feeling relaxed due to the comforting music inside the car. Luna was singing along to the music a little loudly. Liam and Josh's eyes were on their phone, and with the way they kept shouting, I could tell they were playing a game. Luna had indeed picked Liam at the road, the younger was waiting for us.
I smiled hearing Josh's laughter. Josh wasn't the type to always laugh at something funny, most time he'd smiled instead, but he does that a lot with Liam, and I know is because he was free with Liam.

Liam was the first person to become Josh's friend. I could remember how delighted he was when he and Liam turned friends. Liam had saved Josh from bullies then. The younger Liam and Josh made I and Luna to be closer. They love being together.

"Where are we going, Luna?"

"That's a secret. You never told me where we are going when you planned the vacation." Luna replied, winking in a teasing way before turning her face to the road and singing to the music. I smiled turning to look through the window.

I didn't know how much time passed before we stopped in front of a huge gate that read "LOVE VACATION" I turned to look at luna, and she was beaming. I shook my head knowing that she was being mischievous.

Author note:
I'm sorry guys for the late update, thanks for staying with me. I'll try my best to update on time from now on.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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