chapter 5

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Hearing a knock on the door, I frowned, wondering who it could be. It wasn't yet time for Josh to finish his class, and besides he owned one of the apartment keys. I wasn't expecting anyone

I dropped the bucket of popcorn on the table, taking the remote to turn down the TV volume before proceeding to the door. I stood at the door for a moment, trying to pick sound that called for danger. Hearing no suspicious movement, I opened the door.

"Hi bestie,"

I broke into a smile seeing the beautiful blonde girl in front of me wearing a large grin. Taking a step toward her, I pulled her into a hug.

"Luna, when did you get back? Why didn't you tell me you were coming back today?"I asked, pulling out from the hug to look at her face.

"If I'd told you, I won't have been able to see this surprised face," she said laughing.

I shut the door after we entered inside. We both sat on the couch with Luna taking the popcorn and stuffing her mouth with it. she looked hungry.

"So tell me, did you miss me?"She asked with a mouthful of popcorn. I couldn't help but smile. Luna was so adorable with her puffed cheek.

"Of course I missed you. When did you get back? You must be hungry. " I said, pointing to her mouth. She smiled shyly, dropping the popcorn on the table.

"After we arrived at the airport, my boss gave me two days off. I was thinking of going home,but I lost my key to the house, so I came here hoping to find you.If not, I'd stay outside." She said, moving closer to me.I moved back a little. She was crazy, and I knew she wasn't joking when she said she'd stayed outside if I wasn't around.

"So let's talk about you, " She said, staring at me, a grin breaking out.

"How is Ethan?" She asked. I wasn't expecting her to ask about my boss. Knowing how mischievous she could be, I sighed.

"He is nice, one of the kindest bosses I know." I said smiling. Noticing the look she gave me, I burst out in laughter, knowing that she wasn't asking for that. But there was nothing more to say.

I only see him as a good boss.

"C'mon, you have the chance to be close to one of the hottest and most handsome CEO and you aren't falling? You have to loosen up Mia," She said and knew she wasn't done.

"You got to start thinking about yourself and let people in. "

I stared at her, noting how the playful expression on her face turned serious. I sighed.

"What is the need when they are going to end everything and leave at the end? I'm really okay Luna. I don't need anyone apart from you guys."

Luna sighed. After looking at me for some seconds, she smiled, pulling me for a hug. I hugged her back, taking in her scent. I was glad that she understood me.

Luna was the only one who understood me.

We met at a little cafe where I was working back then. I was only seventeen then. A college student who was working different part-time jobs so I could take care of myself and Josh.

Luna was from a rich family. She and Liam had decided to stay together after their parents divorced. But that didn't stop their parents from providing for them.

Luna must have felt that we were the same when we started being friends. But after she got to learn that my parents didn't only divorce but they also abandoned us, leaving a fifteen
old me to care for my ten years brother, she burst into tears.

Since then, she'd tried supporting me. At first, I didn't accept her help since I didn't want to take advantage of her. But with time, I started taking things from her. No matter how I worked, I couldn't do much. I was young after all.

I let my thoughts fade as she pulled out of the hug. looking at me, she stood up, gripping my hand.

"Let's go grocery shopping, I'm fucking hungry!" she exclaimed.

I pulled my hand from hers, making her to give me a questioning gaze.

"We can cook with the stuff I have since you are hungry. " I said, earning a scoff from her.

" I know you have been busy, so I doubt if you have much. Take this as an opportunity to go shopping. "She said, taking my hand and dragging me with her. I struggled to get the red scarf and my purse that was on the smaller couch.

Leaving the apartment, we made our way down the street, entering a large shop with the name KIM MARKET on top. I picked a basket, and Luna picked one. I wanted to ask what it was for but decided against it. I didn't know what she wanted to get.

Luna has a habit of picking things she wasn't going to use, and she always ended up dropping them in my apartment.

We picked some vegetables, meats, and other foodstuffs we needed, and of course, I couldn't stop Luna from picking random things. If I didn't know her, I'd think she was weird.
After picking the things, we went to the counter and waited for the cashier to scan our things. When it was time to pay, I opened my purse instantly, not wanting Luna to beat me to it. But someone else did.

"I will pay for this."

Turning to the owner of the hand, I was surprised to see the same guy from the company cafeteria. Now I wondered if he was stalking me. I could see Luna giving me a questioning gaze.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'll like to pay for my stuff." I said, forcing a smile. I turned to the cashier pointing my card. The lady stood looking at us, not know which card to take. I couldn't help getting annoyed since the company guy wasn't retrieving his card. I turned to Luna hoping on asking for her help.

Luna smiled, and I could tell she was up to her game. Taking my card, she kept it inside her purse, gesturing to the company guy to pay. He smiled handing the card to the cashier, which she took.

I stared at Luna dumbfounded at her action, she grinned. After paying for the things, we went out with the company guy tailing behind us with our stuff.
I frowned at the coming headache as Luna wasn't helping matters. She was filled with a smile.

"I'm Luna, and you....?" Luna asked with a smile. I stared at Luna and the guy wanting to rub the silly smile off their face. I didn't know his name, never had I thought something like this will happen.

"Lucas. I work at the same company as Mia. " I turned to look at him when he mentioned my name. How did he get my name? I rolled my eyes thinking that he must have gotten it from the company.
Seeing how he kept showing up where I was, I was not surprised that he was able to get my name.

"Wow! that means you know each other. " Luna said. I wanted to refute that, but she didn't let me a chance.

"Do you wanna come for dinner, our apartment isn't far from here. "

The last bit of my patience snapped. "No!" I almost yelled.

I didn't care if I sounded rude or not, all I cared about was leaving here, and there was no way the guy was following me to my apartment. I took the bags from him, walking out of them. I could hear Luna apologizing to him. Whatever they were saying was not my business.

'I have to avoid him from now on'


Author's note:
What do you think of the characters so far?

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