Chapter 9

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I woke up to a throbbing headache, and my eyes were heavy. I didn't know what the time was, all I knew was that everything looked hazy. I was thirsty so I made my way out of my room and went to the refrigerator to get water. I felt my throat sore when I drank the water. I wondered if I'd caught a cold after being drenched by the rain yesterday.

I went back to my room, feeling tired and weak. I checked the time to see if I could rest a little more before going to work. I sighed in disappointment, it was 7:10.I stood up planning on going to the bathroom but stopped when I heard a knock on the door.


"I'm coming," I said going to the door to open it. I let josh inside before sitting back on the bed. Josh was already dressed for class.

"Are you okay?"He asked, a deep frown line appearing on his forehead, He didn't wait for me to speak before he placed his hand on my forehead.

"you are burning up!"He said a worried expression settling on his face.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry. you should go and get ready for school, I'll help myself here before going to work, "I said wanting to stand up but josh held me back, pulling out the blanket, he laid me on the bed before covering me.

He didn't wait a minute before leaving the room. I didn't want him to be late for class and I could take care of myself. He came back some minutes later with a bowl of water and a little towel. Dumping the towel inside the water, he dried out the water before using it to wipe my face. I sighed at the warmth. my throat was sore.

"You can't go to work today Mia, you aren't strong enough," He said giving me one of those looks that said he didn't want to hear whatever I have to say. he placed the towel on my forehead, staring at me.

"I need to go to the company, My boss won't let me off if I don't come to work, you know I can't lose the job?."

josh scoffed. "You should inform him that you aren't feeling well," Josh said hoping that Mia will drop the idea of going to work in this state.

"I need to go to the company for that, I don't have my boss's contact ."

"Mia please, You should start looking after yourself more. I'll go to your company and ask your boss for sick leave. there is no way I'm letting you out of the house " He glared at her this time to show how serious he was.

Mia shook her head "you should..."

"Fine, You don't want me to go, I won't go but you aren't going anywhere. I'm calling Luna." With that he stood up, taking the bowl with him before he left the room.

I stared at the door not knowing what to do. I was already tired and Josh wasn't helping I decided to rest for today . tomorrow I'll try explaining things to him to my boss, some part of my mind keeps telling me that he was going to understand but I didn't want to be so hopeful. I closed my eyes, thinking of how silent and peaceful the room was.

Josh walked inside the company, after swiping Mia's card at the company entrance, he was given access inside. hands inside his pant Pocket, he walked further admiring the interior design of the company. A company Identification card on his neck. taking out Mia's Identification card, he wore it. He didn't want anyone stopping him just because he didn't look like one of them. He wonders what Mia will do to him after finding out that he came to the company, he'd picked the card from her bag after seeing that she was asleep.

After telling Mia that he wasn't going to the company, he'd gone out to call Luna .he'd planned on leaving for class since Luna was on her way but seeing his sister worried look even when sleeping, he had decided to go to her company to ask for a leave. so he took her ID card.

Josh didn't care about the eyes looking at him, he was used to Girls giggling whenever they see him . he could see some of the employees talking about him .. he suddenly thought that the famous j&k company was filled with gossip.

He was wearing brown pants and a white shirt and with the ID card, he looked like one of the employees. sighting a counter, he walked to it. The name Catherine Addams is displayed on the name panel.

"Hey, Can I talk to the CEO?" he asked. the lady raised her eyes brows when she saw the Company's ID card and the person on it. she stared at Josh giving him a questioning gaze.

"Here" he removed the card from his neck, pointing at the Image of Mia ." this is my sister, she is your CEO's secretary. I need to tell the boss about something concerning my sister," he said not wanting to say any other thing. He knew the lady could easily tell that they were siblings since they looked alike.

"I don't trust you but seeing You with Miss Mia's card, I'll inform the CEO," she said, turning to pick up the office phone. dialing a number she waited before it got connected on the other end.

"Boss, Miss Mia's brother is here, he asked to see you"

"let him in" A reply came immediately, Catherine got surprised, he wasn't expecting a quick answer.

"Okay boss"
She turned to josh, giving him a business-like smile.
"Please follow me"

Josh followed her as they got into the elevator leading to the top floor. soon the door opened and they got out.
Josh could see a counter but it was smaller than the one they came from .he wondered if it was for Mia since she is the secretary and secretaries are required to stay close to their bosses.

Soon they came to a stop in front of a door, knocking on it, They heard permission to enter inside .they both entered inside but the lady left immediately Josh was fully inside.

Josh took in the beauty of the room, he was glad that Mia was working in a good environment.

"You said you are Mia's brother right?" Hearing someone's voice, Josh turned to look at the source of the ice. he wasn't surprised to see Ethan, he had done his research the first week Mia started working here so he knew the CEO and the rumors about him.

"Yea, Mia is currently sick so I'm here to ask for a sick leave," He said going straight to the point. but what he didn't expect was how Ethan's expression turned from cold to worried.

"Really? Where is she now?"

Josh noticed that the worried look was gone from Ethan's Face, and he scorned. not disappointed with the boss's behavior.

" She is at home, can I get the leave now "


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