Chapter 11

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I blinked my eyes, using my right arm to cover my eyes out of the habit of wanting to adjust to the brightness of my room every morning.

After two minutes, I removed my arm from my eyes before looking at the bed. I smiled seeing Luna resting her head on my bed. not wanting to wake her, I decided to follow the other side of the bed but my movement stirred up Luna to wake up.

" Mia" I heard Luna call out, trying to open her eyes fully "Where are you going?"She asked seeing the way I was on the bed.

"The bathroom," I  said moving further to get down, Luna crossed over trying to help me.

"I'm fine. I'm feeling better now" I said trying to tell her that I could move on my own, she didn't let go of me until I was standing by myself.

"You know you didn't have to do it, it was just cold and I'm fine now"

"yea I Know, "She said making the gesture for me to go inside the bathroom, I smiled before making my way inside . after two minutes I got out, and went back to my bed.

Luna was sitting on the chair, eyes on her phone.
After sitting on my bed, I noticed a  bouquet on top of my drawer, I frowned wondering who could have bought me a flower.

As if noticing my gaze, Luna stood up making her way to the drawer. she smiled after picking up the bouquet. dropping it on my hand before she sat.

I couldn't help but smell the flowers, it was so attractive."Did you get this?" I asked looking at  Luna. when she shook her head, I frowned.

"Your boss got it for you," she said, grinning from ear to ear. I stopped, surprised by the fact that Ethan was in my apartment a while ago and if he was in the apartment, that meant he came into my room.

I nervously checked around my room, I sighed when I saw the room was well arranged. I know that my room can never look pleasing to someone as rich as Ethan but I didn't want him to view me as an unkept person.

"Why was he here?" I felt silly after asking that, he visited me because I wasn't at work, but I wondered how he knew I was sick. did Josh meet with him?

"To visit his sweet sick secretary of course" I felt cringe hearing Luna's words and her smiling face, I didn't know why she was acting weird.

"Mia, Ethan is different from the rumors. the person from the rumors won't gift his secretary flowers and visit her when she is sick" Luna said, looking at me, it was as if she was questioning me with her eyes.

" I noticed that too, he is nice and can be quite understanding. he didn't fire me when I came late to work "


I laughed seeing Luna's pointed mouth, she was into her silly games again."Nothing Luna, he is my boss "

"So what, people fall in love with their boss," Luna said, her voice a little loud.

"I'm not people," I told her, dropping the bouquet on the bed. I heard Luna whispering, I bet she was imitating my words, and I smiled. turned to my alarm clock, and it was 4:50, I wondered if Josh was back from college. I turned to Luna.

"Is josh back?"

"No, He called to inform me that he is staying for a late class, Liam is with him".

I nodded, getting off from bed, it was nice to be back to normal though I wasn't okay fully I was better than this morning. I couldn't wait to get something inside my stomach, I was famished.

"let's go get something to eat," Luna said dragging my hand as we made our way out of my room.

After the evening class was over, Josh picked up his bag, and walked out of the building with Liam, hands in his pocket. he didn't bother paying attention to Liam who kept blabbering about what happened in class.

Josh stopped all of a sudden, making Liam bump into his back, Liam gave a small whine but Josh didn't care. Wondering what Josh was looking at, Liam turned to the front.

"Holy shit" he turned to Josh, seeing the younger cold expression, he swallowed not knowing what to do.

Josh stared at the lady who seems to be in her Forty, the lady was hugging a younger lady, and the way they were, you could tell it was a mother and daughter Duo.

Anger and disgust boiled in josh upon seeing her. seeing how she was hugging her new family as if she met the world to her.
he couldn't help but think of his past. how he and Mia suffered just because of their irresponsible parents.

As if noticing his deadly glare, The lady turned to look at him .shock written all over her face. She broke the hug, telling her daughter something, Josh couldn't hear what they were saying. the younger lady turned to him before entering the car.

Josh didn't move when he saw his supposed mother walking towards him, he stood there staring at her not averting his gaze. he could feel Liam moving closer to him so that their shoulder is touching.

The lady smiled when she got to Josh."Do you school here?" She asked, her smile still on her face. Josh was annoyed, disgusted, and disappointed. he silently laughed at himself. what was he expecting anyway? a hug from her or an apology for leaving them.

"Why do you care?" He scoffed, trying not to show much emotion. The lady smiled.

"I don't want you studying here Josh. you can't be in the same college as my daughter"

"What" Liam shouted, anger taking over him . he couldn't believe that Josh's mom asked that of him . he turned to Josh and Josh smiled at him. seeing how calm josh was, he decided to let them be .he didn't think he will be able to remain calm watching the woman.

still holding josh's gaze, he pointed to a bench at the far side before walking away from them.

Now that they were alone, Josh turned to his mother, glaring at her ."After not seeing your son for a long time, the first thing you'd say is I should drop out of my college?" He asked in a mockery voice.

"Josh, I know a lot of things happened between us, I'm ready to give you any money, just leave this college okay," She said. this time, she looked pitiful and that irked josh.

"You are shameless and you are worst than dad" with that he walked passed her, glancing at the younger lady who was looking at them from the mirror.

Feeling annoyed that josh walked out of her and knowing that she couldn't do anything to him now. she turned to flash her daughter a smile before entering the car.

"Mom, who is he?"

"I know his parents, just went to say hi."She replied smiling at her daughter ."Zoey, do me a favor by not going close that that guy okay?."

"why? you said you knew his parents, "Zoey asked surprised by her mother's request. she find the guy attractive and she was hoping on asking her mom to help her .she sighed knowing that she will have to do it herself.

"His parents aren't good Zoey, he isn't good too. it's better to avoid him okay?." She asked hoping Zoey will stop asking questions.

"Okay mom"

"Madam Grayson, where are we going?" the Chauffeur asked.

"Take us to the company. my husband will be happy to see us" she smiled,t and the Chauffeur nodded.

She was ready to do everything to keep this new family. she was going to compensate him after making him leave the school.

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