chapter 4

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I kept glancing at the elevator, wondering when my boss was going to come to work. He'd missed his meeting, and I couldn't help but worry. It didn't make sense for someone that hated lateness to be late to work, and he haven't returned since yesterday.

   I sighed, wondering when I started to care about my boss. The meeting he missed could always be rescheduled anyway.

    Some minutes later, I heard the elevator opening. Turning to look at it, A part of me hoped it was my boss.

The person that came out is indeed my boss. But unlike the dominating aura or the playful smirk I'd noticed he wear around, he looked exhausted. His hair was a little messy with the front strands covering his eyes. I noticed he was wearing the same suit as yesterday. I couldn't help but wondered where he went to.

"Boss, " I stood up and greeted him as he was making his way to his office. He stopped for a second to nod his head before entering inside.

I sat down looking through the glass. We locked gaze when he came to the glass, wanting to close the blinds which I'd opened this morning. I drifted my eyes from his, looking back at my work. I could feel him looking at me before he closed the blinds.

   A few minutes later, my office phone beeped. Noticing that it was my boss, I stood and went to his office. He was sitting on his chair, wearing clean and new clothes. A suit pants, and a white sleeve shirt with two buttons open. It must be nice having an office with a bedroom inside.
He looked more like his usual self only that he looked tired and could snap anytime.

 "The Xian?" he inquired.

"The meeting got canceled. I have rescheduled it for tomorrow. " I said, noticing how he gave a tired expression. I wondered what was wrong with him. I may not have known him for long, but I couldn't help but worry for him. That was my nature after  all.

"Clear all my schedule for today. You are free to go home. " He said.

I bowed. Happy that I could take the day off, I turned to leave but stopped when I heard him say something in a low tone. I turned around giving him a questioning gaze.

  "Can you get me a meal box? I heard you could get a breakfast box around the company. "He asked almost in a murmur.

I nodded, looking at him before leaving the office. I grabbed my purse from my desk walking to the elevator. It won't be hard getting to the restaurant, I'd seen it on my way to the company.

   I entered the restaurant, making my way to the counter. Not knowing what he had liked to eat, I decided to order the smallest breakfast set. A few minutes later, I paid for the food before exiting the restaurant.

   Going back to the company, I couldn't help but remembered how he'd asked me to get him food. I wasn't shocked because he had asked me. It was a common thing for a boss to ask their employees on errands.
I was shocked by the tone he used. He was pleading, giving me a choice to go or not. He was different.

  I entered his office, making my way to the table situated in the center of three couches at the side of the office. I could feel his eyes following my movement. I turned to him after dropping the bag.

  "Thank you," he said. Then he dug his hand inside his pant. I wondered what he was looking for as he took out his wallet. Opening it, he brought out a credit card.
'Was he paying me for helping him? '

  "Here, You can get anything with the card." He said. I looked at him dumbfounded. Was he serious right now ? he was handing his card to me.

"You don't have to pay. Thanks for not firing me the other day. " I said. I was grateful.

"You should take it," He said dropping the card on the table.  " All my past secretaries had one. Something like this could happen again. You won't want to end up spending all your money on me right?" He asked, that smug expression appearing on his face.

   Hearing that his past secretary once had the card, I picked it up from the table. I didn't have that much money to be paying his bills anyway.

  "You can take the day off now. " He said, the corner of his mouth lifting slightly. I bowed taking my leave, glad I was able to leave early.

   Ethan gazed at Mia through the opened glass. He watched as she picked up her bag, putting her phone and his card Inside. He'd said the truth when he told her his past secretary had one of the cards. But it wasn't the full truth. His past secretary never had the chance to take it with them home.

He didn't know what he was feeling about Mia. He had never felt this type of attraction to any woman before. But he knew that he wanted to be around her.

   He kept watching her even when she turned to look at him through the glass. She bowed her head before leaving for the elevator. 

'She is beautiful'. He smiled at his thought.

     Ethan stood up, making his way to the table. Sitting on the couch, he opened the breakfast box. Picking up the spoon, he dug into the breakfast.

He sighed remembering what happened yesterday.

    He had received a call from his mother's housekeeper after leaving the company. The drive to the mansion that belonged to his mother was twenty minutes. But he'd made it there in less than fifteen minutes.
     He entered the mansion to see  medical team already leaving his mother's room. He breathed a sigh of relief when the head doctor said she was fine. He'd sat on her bed holding her hand, burying his face in the bed. He spent his night taking care of her only leaving in the morning. He didn't want to go back to his mansion so he came to the company instead.

    He was scared of losing his mother so early. He wanted to tell her about Mia and his feelings for her. His mother will be pleased.  He smiled thinking of how nice it will be for Mia to meet his mom.

He frowned. He wasn't sure of his feelings yet, and with the way Mia looked and talked to him, he was sure   she only sees him as her boss.

   He was never good with girls.....

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