Chapter 5

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I look in see out of my window as a giant building came into view.

"Welcome to the mall!" Easton says from the drivers seat.

I wonder how many stores there could be in there. Probably more than I could count. Easton parks the car and Sylas gets out and opens my door. He undid my buckle and practically dragged me out of the car. Easton comes over to us and bends down so he is level with me.

"If you get overwhelmed we can leave okay?"

I nod. He grabs my hand and the three of us set off for the door. There are lots of people inside and lots of bright colors. I'm surprised that I actually like it in here. It feels so alive. I'd never been in a place like that. I get a little too excited and start dragging Easton and Sylas into a store. I slow down and apologize but they just tell me it's okay and follow me in. I look around and if I look at anything for too long they add it to my pile.

"I don't really need all of that-"

"It's Maddie's orders. 'If she looks at it, it's hers. Buy the whole damn store if you have to!'" Easton says, deepening his voice to sound like Maddox.

I giggle because he kind of does sound like him.

We go to lots of other stores. Easton insists on going to a shoe store and replacing me sneakers. They had holes in them and if i step in a puddle my socks get all wet. I was excited to not have to worry about stepping in puddles anymore.

Sylas told me we had to get electronics as well. I didn't think I needed them but he says I do. We got a phone, a computer, and an iPad. He puts his contact in along with the rest of my brothers. I'm happy to know I have a way to contact them now.

By the time I'm ready to go home I have clothes, shoes, electronics, and jewelry. Sylas said I needed more but I was ready to drop dead right there. Who knew it was so much walking to go to the mall. On our way out I see a sign for restrooms. I quickly point at the sign and they nod.

"We'll be right here and then we can go home," Easton says.

I speed walk down the hall to the bathrooms. There's a little bit of a line but it doesn't really bother me. When I look around I make eye contact with a guy who's also waiting in line but I don't think much of it. When I look back I see it's my turn. I finish my business quickly and walk out. I'm stopped before I can make it to the end of the hallway. The guy from before had grabbed my wrist. He was kind of young looking, maybe 20.

I didn't like that he was touching me and when I tried to get my hand loose he just grabbed on tighter. It was scary.

"Well arent you a cute little thing"

I try to get my wrist free from his hand again but he's very strong.

"Why don't you hold still for a few minutes."

He gets much closer to me and pins my waist to the wall with his other hand.

I shake my head no. No words come out of my mouth when I try to cry for help. I think I might be in shock. No matter how hard I try no sound comes out. Just tears. He tells me to be quiet but I couldn't make any sound even though I wanted to.

The hand that was previously holding my wrist moves under my shirt. I struggle even more at this and the tears fall harder. His hand starts to travel up my chest but before he got any higher he was violently pushed off. Easton and Sylas stand behind him. They look they are about to murder someone.

My legs give out and I fall to the floor. My whole body is shaking. I'm not exactly sure what's going on around me. It's hard to focus and I can't really see or hear anything.


A voice cuts through my foggy brain and I try to focus on where it's coming from.

"Gracie it's Sylas. I'm going to pick you up."

Sylas. I liked Sylas. My body leaves the ground and I cling to him. I don't think I'm thinking right but I know it's him. I can feel him start to walk away. He completely leaves the mall and starts to set me down in the car. I cling to him even harder. I don't want to act like a baby but I don't want to let go either. He just slides in the back with me.

I'm not sure how long we wait but soon enough Easton comes out and turns the car on. Where was he? He's knuckles looked a little redder than usual and I think there was a little blood on his shirt. That fell to the back of my mind quick enough as I still wasn't thinking straight.

"Are you okay sweetheart?"

The tears have yet to stop falling. I can still feel the hands on me.

I shake my head no at him. Not okay.

"What do you need?" He asks as he pulls out of the parking lot.

"Maddox," I whisper.

He just nods and tells me we'll be home soon. I cry more as Sylas tries to comfort me.

This wasn't the first time I'd been assaulted, but it was the first time that it was a stranger. I hated it.


Easton unbuckles me and I make a beeline for the door. I think he is saying something but I can't hear him. My shaky legs carry me to the living room. I can hear the voices coming from there. Milo, Brandon, and Maddox were lounging on the couches and watching a movie. I don't greet the others. I just go over to Maddox and drop myself onto his lap before crying into his shoulder. He quickly wraps his arms around me and starts rubbing my back.

"What's wrong angel?"

I don't respond. I just try to stop my body from shaking.

"Baby what happened?"

I just hug him tighter. He stands up and heads for the stairs. I hear Easton and Sylas come into the room.

"Easton, with me," Maddox demands.

He's not loud but he sounds very serious. If i was more focused I'd be a little scared. He leads us to his room. I just bury my face closer to his neck. He rocks back and forth and that seems to help me relax.

"What happened?"

"Some pervert touched her that's what happened."

Maddox's whole body stiffened.

"Someone touched my baby?"

He sounded like he was seething.

"Don't worry I took care of him."

He seems to relax a small bit at this. He thanks Easton and he leaves.

He doesn't say anything and I'm grateful. He just holds me. Eventually i run out of tears and I'm just sniffling.

"Does anything hurt?"

I shake my head no.


He walks over to his bed and lays down with me on top of him.

"Go to sleep angel. I've got you. You're okay, you can sleep," he says softly.

I sigh and close my eyes. I'm sleeping almost immediately.

A bunch of chapters are written and edited so they should come out pretty regularly.
Happy reading:)

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