Chapter 31

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Hey guys!
I'm putting this at the beginning to apologize for this crime. I'm very sorry (no I'm not)
Part 2 of this story will be out in a week or so, so you won't have to wait too long.
Happy reading! (Or not 😁)
But seriously, thank you all for reading this, I never thought it would go anywhere.
Lots of love💗
I snuggle into my bed. It's finally Saturday. I feel like it hasn't been Saturday in weeks. I hug my bear and fall back asleep for a few more hours.

When I wake up the second time, Brandon is asleep next to me. I don't know when he got home but he was clearly tired so I tried not to move too much. He hadn't really been home for the past few days. I guess they're all taking shifts now. Except for Maddox. He just didn't really come home anymore. I couldn't help but feel like that's my fault. If I would have just stayed with my dad everything would be fine here. My family wouldn't have to deal with all of this.

I sigh as I slide out of bed and grab my bear and blanket. My plan was to grab some breakfast and migrate to the couch. I quietly leave my room but jump when a see a man holding a gun across the hallway. Sometimes I forget that Maddox upped the security. I was glad because it made me feel safer, but it also scared me sometimes. What if they shot me. Part of me wishes that I didn't know what my brothers did for work. I shake that thought out of my head.

I wrap myself in the blanket as I pass the guards that are in the hallway. There are voices coming from downstairs so I head in that direction. I find Milo, Sylas, and Easton sitting at the dining room table. Milo has a very large stack of waffles that's decked out with whipped cream and sprinkles. I was kind of worried for his health. Easton saw me and waved me over to the table. Sylas closed his computer extremely quickly but I ignored it. There was no reason to pick a fight over this entire situation. I was just glad they were at the house.

Milo offered me some of his waffle and I hesitantly took a bite. It was far too sweet for my liking and my brothers laughed at the face I made. I decided to make myself some toast instead of the monstrosity that had been offered to me.

"Where's Maddie?" I ask.

Maybe he would be home today.

"Went into headquarters. Angelo and Luci landed early this morning so he's greeting them," Milo says through a waffle.

I don't even focus on the fact that he was talking with food in his mouth, even though it was gross.

"Why didn't anyone tell me they were coming?"

"It was a last minute thing sweetheart. I didn't even know until Maddox got up to leave," East says.

"Oh. Is there a problem?"

No one says anything, which is enough of an answer. I keep eating my toast in silence.

It's a pretty peaceful breakfast all things considered. I spent most of it dodging the different toppings that Milo was flinging my way. He laughed every time he hit me and I pretended to be annoyed even though everyone at the table could tell that I wasn't. Brandon makes his way downstairs at some point as well and makes a nasty looking milkshake. He sits down next to East and starts downing the brown liquid. Milo and Sylas pull matching disgusted faces.

A few minutes after everyone had finished eating and we were just talking, the doorbell rang. I was confused because I didn't know we were expecting anyone and with the security, it couldn't just be anyone. Easton goes to answer it, confusion clearly written on his face. Clearly he hadn't been expecting anyone either. He comes back a few minutes later with a frantic looking Luci. Brandon was out of his chair immediately trying to figure out what was happening. I looked behind her, but Angelo was nowhere to be found. She's whispering in his ear and he's grabbing Easton and Milo in a second and dragging them out of the room. Sylas looks at her in confusion but she was already following the other boys out.

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